Hello everyone.. My name is Tyler, and I suffer from Bipolar disorder and severe panic attacks... Iam having trouble dealing with a panic attack really bad right now, and I was wanting to know if anyone will chat me through this please... Lol I feel extremely stupid for doing this, but I was told this would work..
Bipolar disorder & Panic attacks - Anxiety Support
Bipolar disorder & Panic attacks

Well, stay calm... don't try NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT. I am right here if you need me. I know how it feels, just blabber anything out that takes your mind off it.
Thank you brother, just one person talking to me makes me know that iam still real... I know that sounds foolish and all, but sometimes I get so lost in my own mind that I start feeling like iam having an out of body experience or Something extremely intense... It freaks me out bad when it happens... It doesn't happen to often, but here recently it's been conflicting my life.... I usually kick back a Jay, but smoking marijuana for me for some silly reason anymore is like throwing gasoline on a fire, it makes me freak out even more.... I know that sounds absurd, but it' s not relaxing to me anymore... Thanks for your patience and time my friend
Sorry just saw your message. Were you ok?
Yes, alot better now thank you for asking... I know their harmless, but try telling that to someone who is having one at the time... It doesn't feel harmless... I've been struggling with this craps since I was an adolescent, and you'd think I'd have it under control by now.... Thanks again to the people who talked to me and was concerned, it means alot.
I don't know what meds you might be taking. However, I take seroquel and
klonopin to help me get to sleep and have a good nights sleep.