There is a very nice lady who invited herself over to my home tomorrow. I don't want her be in my home. I could list reasons why but they sound more like excuses. Although this is my home so really it should be my decision no matter what my reasons, right?
I adopted two tweety birds from her last November and one sadly passed away recently. I met her at a concert tonight in town just to pick up the new tweety bird from her. I wasn't even going to the show. Just meeting her before hand to collect the tweety bird she is giving me.
Well she shows up with no tweety bird. She said it was too rainy tonight and just thought she would stop by my home tomorrow. I could see her dropping off a box to me in the lobby.... But then she said she doesn't want to be noisy but wanted to come into my home tomorrow to see the other bird she gave me. I told her I work tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening- hinting that I am busy so maybe another time. And she said around 2pm. It was really awkward to say no at this point. She said for me to email her my address and she will GPS it and see where I live.
Well the thing is my home is not stranger company ready. A friend I know, my boyfriend - yes. But this lady is the kind of person everything would have to be perfect to have over. I rent and four of my interior doors are splinters and look horrible. The carpet in the hall is from the 1970's and really worn and has a cement stain on it from unknown orgins before I even moved in. There is walls that need to be repaired, etc. The pet she gives me lives in my bedroom and really I don't like sharing my personal space with anyone other than my partner or close friend. Not someone who starts off by saying ... I am not being noisy! Obviously that is exactly what she is being.
I can come up with an excuse for one day. But no where in the future do I want her in my home. And I have no drive to go pick up the tweety bird from her. She has a huge sprawling house where I saw the kitchen and room she keeps her birds in. I live in a two bedroom apartment where you see absolutely everything because is quite small.
If I were the devious sort I could wait until she gets here and then take the tweety bird from her and say sorry it is a bad time to visit. My boyfriend is sick and sleeping or some excuse. But it will sound like I am making up a story. And it feels more dishonest to me to have her drive all the way here with the intension of seeing my home. And then to trick her and say no when she gets here.
I could tell her she can drop off the tweety bird tomorrow but tomorrow is a bad time to visit- and tell her in advance...... Hoping she will still drop of the tweety bird ending any real reason she would be able to invite herself to my home again. I don't have time to fix up my home for her because I am working a split shift. And really why should I be put in this position.
But when she puts in a way she is doing me a favour - it is harder to get out of it. And a side note would be that the tweety bird who lost her mate is lonely. Just the way she said she is not being noisy but wants to see my apartment tomorrow- was said in a way she in fact is being noisy. And there is nothing I can do to have my apartment ready for her to visit tomorrow- or in the unforeseenable future.
What should I do please?