Ok so I know I have health related anxiety but I did have some problems with a period that started in December and just didn't seem to want to stop. I had lower back pain at the time and had done for a few months (I gave birth in July so I figured my body was just getting back to normal). I started having some pelvic pain at the time. The thing I although the bleeding has stopped I've been stressed about one health problem or another since. The back pain hasn't gone and neither has the pelvic pain. I had scans at the time which didn't show anything up so the doctor put it down to my hormones settling back down. I have another appointment about the pelvic pain but part of me is wondering how much of this could be caused by stress. Does anyone else get pelvic and lower back pain from stress? I have my appointment anyway but if this is potentially caused by stress it would be good to know because it would probably ease off if it knew that was what was causing it! X
Pelvic pain and anxiety...: Ok so I know I... - Anxiety Support
Pelvic pain and anxiety...
Hi Gemp54! I have exactly the same symptoms-low back pain and pelvic pain weeks ago. It's very annoying and made me very nervous and scared. But the ultrasound test came out all normal and the just after I got the result, I do not feel pelvic pain anymore. I'm still very anxiety about my health these days.
I have had this aswell, and stressed myself something stupid! The dr arranged for a scan and all was clear. Oddly enough I have had no more problems! Unfortunately I think we with health anxiety really can imagine our symptoms xxx good luck
I wish you didn't also have it but its nice to know I'm not alone! I do tend to get it worse around my period so I think I might have something like endometriosis going on (I'm waiting for a gynae appointment) but to be honest I think the only reason its as bad as it is, is because of stress. Its my 30th today so my husband has been amazing all day and doing everything with our 2 kids and the pains been almost completely gone. Now we're home and we're doing the mad bedtime routine so I've been a bit manic and its started to creep back again. Xx