Hey everyone, just sitting watching the sunshine earlier and its now all of a sudden turned to hailstones outside!! how strange weather can be at times, like us things are very changeable. I look at the big green tree across from my window and think WHAW, the tree still stands through every single storm, no matter what its still there not complaining. I so often wished to be as strong as that tree, but being human life can be a real tough road. So I wanted to share with everyone for something to watch. A lot of you know my posts and I always say to people try listening to this or that. People I can honestly say I work daily at not feeding Mr Anxiety, he is very hungry all the time, but he is not welcome in me, yes its a daily progress but after listening to some positive things it has really helped. If you can give it a go please. Joyce Meyer on her web page under broadcasts... Focus on the positive things in life, part one and two. Go on give it a go. It is amazing. I have come a very long way on this journey and can sit here and write to you all now in all honesty things are changing for me. I actually stopped going out at all, constantly feels dizzy, sick, nothing looked right out there, my eyes could not focus, my hearing seemed different, short of breath, scared and manu more symptoms like constant head aches. You see every day I fed the anxiety guy and he thrived. I thought there was no way out, how can this just like go away. I got on my knees asked god to help me as i could not carry on anymore, started to listen to Joyce Meyer, Clayton Jennings.
Daily I stuck at it, listen to good music, not sad songs, watched her on you tube. Mr anxiety started to die slowly, baby steps. I can go out now, my breathing thing has completely gone, I have the odd set backs but honestly nothing at all like before. God can help you. He wants you to be happy and have joy in your life. I am not religious at all but I can say with all my heart he changed it all. I was an absolute mess, no life, no hope..today I am up thanking him for this web site, the sunshine and hailstones, the birds in the sky never know where their next meal is coming from yet he provides for them all. Hoping he lights your path in days to come as he has lit mine x Sorry its along post but really felt I should share some of my story cause i know how bad it all gets x