Feel numb feel like I wanna go to sleep and not wake up no more justto be out of this feeling of pain fear panic worry over thinking state y I don't denied that I could possibly be depressed but when I'm ready I will deal with it
Give up : Feel numb feel like I wanna go to... - Anxiety Support
Give up

Its because your feeding the fear its staying alive , if you starve it.. it will die. I totally understand how that feels , the pain and fear seem endless. What are you most worried about. Can you access you tube and listen to Steven Furlick..Be brave and also Matt chandler...keep getting up. You may possible be depressed as I was, anxiety and pain are so hard to just say oh well thats part of my life. Its the very thing you try to get away from but as sufferers we feed it daily, all day and it thrives. Start by getting it told its going, its not going to be staying for much longer and start by correcting your negative thinking by finding one positive thing about yourself. Try it. Get it kicked in the butt. Honestly it can be done, it takes practise and daily strength but I promise you you will beat this. Stop giving it food, its always hungry looking to take from you anything you have. Starve it, it can't survive x
Thanks well for one IVE made a doc appointment and for me that s a start , to put and end to this to be open and tell how it is for me thank you so much for your reply it's given me some thinking to do and get to a better brighter place
I know where your coming from. But your making the right step by going to the doctor. See a counsellor if u can. It helps. I'm doing it tomorrow. I haven't been for about 2 years so it's time to go again.
Thanks Yeh I guess am not in that bad I a state not to recognise that I need help and the doctor I do know that I think counselling is something that will hopefully come in time as a lot of things are still Raw Life situations stress illness life upset broken lost kind of feeling thanks for kind words will keep posted
Good for you , go be yourself saying your want to get well and need help. Its great place to start just be you. This way your already telling it its going. Stay positive about even the smallest things and I go about thanking God for the wee birds I can hear n the trees, the smell of fresh air. Take time to breath that in, just be and take some time to be still telling yourself this is a new beginning. Its baby steps but it does work. I thought I was in an never ending nightmare but slowly and steadily its dying off and I can face things today that I thought I never would ever again in my life. The chatterbox in our head is the hardest part to deal with. You can get out the supermarket if you feel unwell but its harder to get out of your own head. Tell it its gone!!! Not welcome, you have got lots going for you. You just have listened to the lies in your head. I pray God shines a light for your new path x