I suffer with dizziness because of problems with my ears , today is the worst day Ever with it and I honestly hate my life I cannot do anything I just feel so dizzy and ill, life never gets easier and I’m tired of it all.
Give up: I suffer with dizziness because of... - Anxiety Support
Give up

Have you had them checked by a doctor?

I have indeed
They couldn't find what is causing it?

I have a vestibular problem I’ve had to come off of my anti sickness meds as they were helping slightly mask the problem so that was hard in itself , its just getting to me today
Does it ever feel better?

I’ve never had a 100% day in years but some days it’s manageable
It's odd it can't be fixed, wish I knew how to stop that dizziness for you.

You can have certain exercises etc to try and help them which I do , just need a day off from it 😩
I have problems with my neck and I have to do exercises too, so I sort of get what you mean. It's a chore doing the exercises and I sometimes get really fed up with it.

I always feel like I’ve got a sore neck but I’ve not got that far to having it looked at I probably just need to see a chiropractor or something, gets tiring doesn’t it
Yes it gets tiring.
Get the neck checked even by your doctor, can be a muscle thing,
If it is it can be helped greatly by doing a few simple stretches daily.

I will do thanks Jimmy x
I feel your pain. I also live with chronic dizziness. I've had it for 8 yrs and it's destroyed my life. I've been told that it could be my ears or nervous system, nothing concrete. I still have to work and it's so difficult. Unfortunately, there's nothing that I can do to help it. Staying away from caffeine helps, I also notice that it gets worse when I'm hormonal.
I’ve had mine a few years now , I had my ears looked at etc and been told I have compensated vestibular hypofunction , currently doing some research to try and understand more but anything I try doesn’t really help it’s been really knocking me recently so I really know how you feel! I work for my mum so I can get days off where it’s awful like today , being dizzy is no fun😣
It's the worst! I can't be anywhere where there are spinning ceiling fans, i get so sick. I tried doing vestibular exercises but it made it worse. I just wish I knew exactly what it was and how to treat it. I'm glad you have flexibility with work. Keep me posted if you find what helps!
I'm so sorry Maria. I suffered from dizziness due to an ear problem, was completely thrown off balance and fell heavily. I have to be very careful not to bend my head certain ways...something to do with the displacement of loose 'bits' (can't remember now what they are called, but if they float out of place they affect my balance) The doctor could have fixed it there and then by twisting/manipulating my head and neck a certain way, but that was out because I have spondylosis of the cervical spine, and he could have done more damage. So I just have to be more careful. I sympathise with your distress but yours sounds a different problem. Hope you can get more help with it. Take care. Bless.
I actually live in the US. I need to cut down on sugar and feel that's adding to the problem- sugar highs and lows. I need to meet with my Dr again. There was a time when I was visiting tons of Drs looking for answers and getting discouraged. You have to be your own advocate these days.
I need to cut down on sugar myself , I have too many sweet things , I eat fruits vegetables etc but I do eat too much chocolate I think , I’ve never been bothered by it as I’m underweight anyway but I don’t feel it’s helping my health at all! Yeah I’m the same I’ve see tons of doctors , useless , not saying they’re bad doctors just useless to me so agreed!
I know, it's so frustrating. I'm addicted to chocolate and am not overweight either but can't live a day without it. I've been reading how harmful sugar is to the body and what it does etc. I def can't cut it out completely but will try to cut back.