Vision: Does anyone get weird vision... - Anxiety Support

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jessicao profile image
58 Replies

Does anyone get weird vision/derealization. I have been the past couple days and it's driving me nuts. My vision is like "drunk" vision. Like I have a sheet of glass blocking me from the world. It's like I can see but I cant. So hard to explain.

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jessicao profile image
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58 Replies
peachz5886 profile image

I have that...not sure if you have this also but, along with the 'drunk' vision, it's like slower when I turn my head if that makes sense. Sorry to hear you have that but glad I'm not the only one :)

Rhar profile image
Rhar in reply to peachz5886

Wow I get this too!! When I move my head it's like it takes my vision or brain a few seconds to catch up! Is that how you feel??

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Rhar

Kinda yeah!! It's like my vision is shadowy

Mikki_mey profile image
Mikki_mey in reply to Rhar

This is exactly how I feel. A lot. I was thinking it was withdrawal from my meds because I ran out for four days before my refill. Maybe it's just my anxiety rushing back in???

eew_notts profile image

I know exactly what you mean. I have tried to describe it as feeling 'dizzy' in the past but really it feels like the anxiety is effecting my muscles making me tense and ultimately impacting upon my vision. It's like my eyes are really really tired; like just seeing is an effort, I find myself squinting (I've had my eyes tested, all fine) and I'm very sensitive to light. I know it's anxiety and, with me, it's often the result of a long period of chronic stress, but it still scares me. It's not as dramatic as the terrible panic attacks I used to suffer but the forehead tension, neck tension and feelings of eye strain are really exhausting and scary.

Feel free to message me any time. It's so nice to not feel so alone. Xxx

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to eew_notts

Thankyou so much! Same for you, best wishes

KimMc2002 profile image
KimMc2002 in reply to eew_notts

Do you ever have twitches on your forehead between your eyes? Sometimes my forehead feels like it's been washed in hot water and shrunk! Like it's too tight

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to KimMc2002

Yeah like weird skin Rushes. NY nose twitches when I'm stressed or anxious too

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to eew_notts

have you figured out what it was?

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to martinree

Snow vision, went to a neuro ophthalmologist, nothing wrong, I was just way too focused on my health and eyes. Now it doesn't bother me

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to jessicao

Did you get any headaches?

in reply to eew_notts

Same exact thing here... I just recently lost partial sense of smell which scares the neck out of me

in reply to

Smell came back, but I get light headed at times.

Phox12 profile image

Hello! I've been dealing with this for about 3 months now. Has anything brought this on? Is it constant? Can you describe it more in depth? Thanks! 

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to Phox12

I've had it for a few months too.. I want to think it's anxiety related, but I am not sure if it was also infection related.... have you had any of that?  also I've had extremely stiff neck every now and then as well

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to martinree

It's not as bad now that my anxiety isn't bad. But when I get stressed I definitely notice it. Had it for a year and Doctor and neurologist said all is good. Stiff neck is anxiety too. I would get that and a full feeling in my head. I like to explain the vision like I'm seeing me stress. Just too much going on for my brain and eyes to handle

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to jessicao

My* stress

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to jessicao

I hope it will settle to a point where I don't see funny anymore.  The vision effects are still 24/7 for me

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to martinree

Mine were too): so sorry you're dealing with this

Zobro profile image

I have exactly the same and it scares me so much and you feel like you can't explain it and it's not real 

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Zobro

I used to find it so hard to explain to anyone. Almost impossible. You're not alone and it will NOT hurt you. It's just your overwhelmed brain

Entropy profile image
Entropy in reply to jessicao

Did you ever get dizzy and lightheaded too? Recently I've been really woozy, to the point where walking can be scary. The visual stuff sucks! Glad you're feeling Better

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Entropy

Oh yeah all the time. My body was my prison for the longest time. Every inch of me felt weird/sick/off. I was convinced I was dying. I'd get the woozy, nauseous dizzy feelings, pretty much everything you can think of. Even when I was "calm". Now that I'm getting better whenever those things do pop up ever once in a while its like "oh well. I've had it before and it'll go" and by the time I'm done thinking that it's sometimes already gone. Our brains are amazing but sometimes we harness that power in the wrong way. 

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to jessicao

well, I'm really glad to heard that people such as yourself do get out of it.

loglegmomma profile image

The best I could describe it is like when you are wearing glasses that are the wrong prescription or need to be washed.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to loglegmomma

Hi loglegmomma,  good description, as I sit here cleaning my glasses except it's not the glasses it's my eyes.   x

Nyda profile image

Yes i have is hard to c everything blurry n my eyes feels like they wanna shut 

martinree profile image
martinree in reply to Nyda

I dunno if it's blurry, more like the prescription seems too strong for me.

It seems like I see 'drunk' or in a 'fishbowl' or something. the perception is off.

I remember looking at a wheel and thought it was gigantic (alice in wonderland syndrome?)!

SunnyHouston profile image
SunnyHouston in reply to martinree

Yes.exactly!!! Any new luck???

Rob7474 profile image
Rob7474 in reply to martinree

Hello martinree, I know this post was a year ago but I've been experiencing the same thing, I try to explain it to people but they said they never experienced anything like that before. Finally I found someone that is going through the same thing. Does this still effect you? I feel like I have it 24/7 and it's overwhelming.


SunnyHouston profile image

Hey guys, I have been fighting the same symptoms! The wrong prescription glasses and fishbowl were great ways to explain it!!! Also when I move my head it takes brain a sec. To catch up! It has to be anxiety related!! I have taken Xanax for when it is really bad but Ativan worked best! I just got out on zoloft. This was an old thread but I am really hoping for a response from anyone, or if anyone found any recent ways to rid this!!! God bless you all I'm glad i found yall!! Please let me know would love love to hear from you!!!!!

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to SunnyHouston

I still have it every day..but I don't let it worry me as I've had it checked and it hasn't killed me yet. Hahaha I think when you have anxiety your become hyper aware of the things our bodies just naturally do. This vision is frustrating but it doesn't mean anything is wrong. I do notice that it's worse when I'm stressed and use it as a cue for me to relax more and take time to calm down. I do notice that polarized glasses help me so much for the business my eyes feel when I am outside! And reducing any screen time as well! Hope that helps (:

SunnyHouston profile image
SunnyHouston in reply to jessicao

Hey Jessica! Thanks for replying it's good to have someone who knows what I'm talking about! Yea I understand yes it helps thank you. I wear glasses all the time lol some times indoors my wife is getting used to it. I started zoloft so I hope that works eventually, I'm on day 7, guess it takes a while I hear. I read the bible to relax and I trust God that he's healing me in all ways and I need to start distracting myself and learning how to relax, lol. Keep in touch it's nice to meet you!!!

stephanxiety profile image
stephanxiety in reply to SunnyHouston

Hey! I was just wondering if your vision has improved at all and how Zoloft went ?

LydiaBofydia profile image
LydiaBofydia in reply to stephanxiety

I'm currently in the same boat with the disorientation/derealization

Mattcole profile image

I’m so glad I found this thread. It has been so hard to try to explain this to anyone that I don’t even try. I know it is about 2 years old but glad it was still up. My vision is not blurry when corrected, like I can pass an eye exam however it’s like I can’t see everything in front of me at once ands it’s disorienting. I notice it the most when I’m outside or trying to watch tv or at the movie. I can only focus on a small corner of the screen and even that is difficult. I’ve tried to explain it as not blank spots or blurry spots, but “never were” spots.

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Mattcole

Great explanation! I too would describe it that way

Kylebnd7 profile image
Kylebnd7 in reply to Mattcole

Have you found a cure for this? I’ve had the same symptoms for about two years now and can’t find any relief.

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Kylebnd7

Hi! I haven't found a cure other than acceptance and distraction. When my anxiety is gone my vision feels better. My anxiety recently flared up and this returned for quite some time. I think it has a lot to do with being in a state of derealization.

What is your vision like??

Kylebnd7 profile image
Kylebnd7 in reply to jessicao

I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t found a cure. Are you on medication for anxiety? Does that help?

It’s very hard for me to explain how my vision is. The best way I can describe it is as if I am drunk. My eyes are slow to catch up to my head movements. I feel like my head is very heavy and I have a “swimmy” feeling.

I’ve been to numerous doctors and they come up with different diagnoses’. Nothing they have recommended has helped me.

I’ve been looking for answers for awhile now. Hope yours get better!

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Kylebnd7

Yep, I've described mine the same way. I haven't tried meds but the 2 year my anxiety was better I rarely noticed any issues with my vision!

Katiebug619 profile image

Hey you should look up something called vertical heterophoroa. It is a binocular vision disorder. It’ means your eyes aren’t aligned. It can cause every symptom everyone is talking about. Just give it a read and see if you can relate to it. If so then you would have to see a ophtomologist and have a comprehensive eye exam. Good luck!

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to Katiebug619

Thank you! I will!

What a great board, finally somewhere I can share my pains. I had a bout with what I believed to be the flu or something similar about three months ago. Anyways, at age 42 I noticed all sorts of weird symptoms going on and started to freak out. I have been in a hypochondriac state since. Each time I had blood work done or saw the doc, it all checked out normal so I would keep going down the rabbit hole. In any event, I started to develop what is described on this forum, delayed eye focusing and a feeling like I'm drunk visually, coupled with tiredness, depression, etc. I immediately thought I had a brain tumor, ms, or something scary. Anyways, I do feel pressure on my forehead, sometimes my face gets warm and eyes strain, start to dry up a tad. I get pain in the tip of my neck. Anyways, still not sure what it is I have, but based on what others here have stated, anxiety related seems about right since its all connected, head muscles, neck, flow of blood to eyes, eyc.

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to

So sorry you're experiencing this. Look up derealization visual symptoms..i think it's stress taking a toll on our bodies and us becoming hyper vigilant. It hasn't exactly gone away but is exasperated when I'm stressed and I don't notice it when I'm not

in reply to jessicao

About two weeks ago I started to lose my sense of smell. I can't find anything on the web relating anxiety/depression to sense of smell. Also, it feels like something is constant pushing on my forehead, making my eyes seem like they want to go cross eye.

in reply to

Partial loss of smell

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to

Have you spoken with a doc/neurologist about that? That's probably the first step to take

in reply to jessicao

Have appt. with ENT tomorrow, going to push for MRI

in reply to

MRI scheduled for May 21st...

in reply to

MRI results are in. I have a 11 mm pineal gland cyst. Non life-threatening, but certainly explains my symptoms.

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to

Oh wow! What's is treatment like for that? Glad it's not life threatening and you've found some answers

in reply to jessicao

Well it depends... 23 percent of the population has these, though most are asymptomatic. The MRI indicates that it is "incidental", meaning it is not the cause of my headaches, vision strain, etc. Though I'm not sure I agree. Cysts of this kind are so rare in the US.

HelloPanda23 profile image

I sometimes get that, but I get rid of it by distracting myself and not caring.

dklatt profile image

this might be too late but i’ve been having that drunk vision or “eyes take a few seconds to catch up” type feeling pretty often lately. mine only shows up at night though. it’s really starting to bother me and i was wondering if anyone had found a solution?

lynstone60 profile image
lynstone60 in reply to dklatt

hi .i get this often . mine comes on out of the blue at night mainly.although i have woken in the morning with it and it lasted 4 hours ..its horrible ..i also have a ringing in my left ear and i am being refered for mri scan

jessicao profile image
jessicao in reply to dklatt

I definitely find that it’s worse when I’m maybe that could be something that heightens it for you too and amplifies it at night??

Ib1514599198 profile image

I’m super happy I found this page. I’m having the same issues. My eyes are exhausted at the end of every day. I can see everything but it’s like there is this “mildly tipsy” shield over my eyes. Almost like I’m getting used to new glasses.

If I’m walking around and distracted I forget about it. But if I’m driving or watching telly I can’t stop being reminded that it’s there and I have to concentrate a little harder at what I’m watching.

Also reading lots of lines of text on a phone/page makes my eyes go a bit funny. And it’s only at this time I get something similar to visual snow syndrome but only at what I’m directly reading not peripheral.

It’s so hard to explain to people, I have an eye appointment with a specialist in a week and I’m hoping for some answers. But going by what people on here are saying I’m also trying to relax and try to eliminate any anxiety I may be having.

I had a similar thing happen a few years back which went away. I was worried it was from being a heavy user of a party drug amyl Nitrate. Anyone else used this drug having similar issues?

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