does anyone elses vision ever get small like everything seems smaller and a little distant that what it really is please help
vision gets small help: does anyone elses... - Anxiety Support
vision gets small help
I have had and still can get vision problems due to anxiety , for me when I have been so anxious everything looks blurred as if I cannot focus on what I am suppose to be looking at can be quiet frightening when it happens so understand why it would concern you
I would make sure I had had my eyes tested as if there is anything wrong other than anxiety they are the best to pick it up and I am sure you would get the all clear and then the best way I find to deal with things that anxiety throws at me is to accept them , when they happen thinking or even saying to myself , hello here we go again anxiety trying to put fear in me , well come on do your worse because I know it will pass again
The more we face it and learn not to fear it the sooner it gets fed up and it fades
Take Care x
I am dealing with the wierd visions also. The blurred vision, snowy vision, black dots floating and I wonder can this really be anxiety. And i can imagine if the higher your anxiety the worse the vision can be? Need advice
Yes the higher your anxiety is the worse your vision can get and you can experience what you are but I would suggest that getting an eye examination would help ith the fear that it is anything other than anxiety and then you will be able to accept that anxiety can cause this knowing that nothing sinister is occuring x
I have considered getting my eyes checked as well. My anxiety had me worried about that.
Get them checked , I am sure everything will be fine but once you know you can relax in the fact that anxiety is causing this , let us know how you get on x
i had already had them checked he said they are perfect
i experianced it once before the appt and once after