Hi everyone...
I've been feeling this way for a while now, a few months. It started with tension headaches/neck pain and has seemed to escalate a lot! I'm at the point now where I feel like I can not get a good, deep breath of air (I've tried belly breathing) this seasons to make the muscles in my back tight and painful, I jump at even small noises, some dizziness and just feeling "off" constant butterflies in my stomach, sick in my stomach, and reaaaaally tired all the time! I believe this is anxiety.... But I don't know. I have googled everything under the sun about all of the possible things that could be wrong with me (which is a bad idea I think!).
I've tried some herbal remedies but nothing seems to be working. I haven't gone to my GP yet, but I'm getting close to my wits end. I'm feeling really miserable and just want to feel good again sigh. I also think the people I'm closest too are sick of hearing me talk about this.... But it's all I can think about anymore. Sorry so long.
If anyone has any helpful advice it would be greatly appreciated!!