I'm currently doing my final year of A-levels and have had family issues for the last year, i get uncontrollably angry and often feel very out of life, as though watching everything trough a tv screen.
i have also been extremely worried about dying recently, so much so that my appetite has almost disappeared and i have problems sleeping. i think i'm having panic attacks as if i think of death too much i feel as though i'm falling into a hole, i get shaky and my heart rate increases so much that sometimes i'm worried of heart attacks, its like a sudden burst of panic and it really scares me.
i've told both my mum and my boyfriend about my concerns but i feel like they dont understand me or they feel like i'm attention seeking (although they have both been supportive and encouraged me to tell them how i feel more regularly).
i just want to feel like me again, its been nearly 2 months i've felt this way and had bottled it up until yesterday. i also spoke to childline about my concerns and i felt much better afterwards but they couldn't give me advice other than to refer me to this site, which i have found very useful.
i was wondering if anyone could help me determine whether or not what i'm feeling is anxiety, and whether anyone knows what i should do next to help myself and to help the people i love understand me better?
m xxx