Sometimes when my anxiety gets really bad I have skipped heart beats its so scary.
Does this happen to anyone else: Sometimes... - Anxiety Support
Does this happen to anyone else

Yes, all the time. Its definitely anxiety. I pray that it will pass! Blessings to you!
Hey, I get that a lot to but don't worry it's just a palpitation and sometimes it happens when your anxiety gets bad or it can happen before and trigger an anxiety attack but it's all a natural body response to the adrenaline that gets released into your body when wlexperienceing a panic or anxiety attack. When you panic your body releases adrenaline and that when your heart goes faster, you get hot, sweat and start to breath in more oxygen which causes dizziness then you worry about that and that's when the vicious circle begins. It's just about realising not to panic because it's all natural body responses and they will pass
That has been something I have been thinking about if I should start doing seeing a therapist has it worked for u shuggz?
I hope you see this post. This happened to my wife. She was diagnosed with MVP Mitral valve prolapse. I say that to say this; The treatment is : Supplements. Calcium and Magnesium.
These suppliments are also helpful for many people with anxiety.
I caution that you will want to use natural vitamin suppliments and not the run of the mill, corporate giant mass produced ones. She tried them when she ran out once and they didn't help at all.
Thank u so much i have the magnesium trace minerals which im taking now I meed to get some calcium as well
this is a bit late for me to comment since this post was a while ago but I can't help but reply since skipped heart beats really bothered me few months ago, and now I rarely ever get them !
when you're having a panic attack or even anxious/nervous, your body will release adrenaline. with the large amount of adrenaline being released into your blood and it not being utilized through exercise, the constant release of adrenaline will lead with an irregular heart rhythm/skipped beats.
this is where the annoying thing comes in, because you start noticing your heart skipping beats with the big thud after the skipped beat, you will start getting more anxious, you'd probably go on google and read away all this stuff that will get your more anxious and therefore release more adrenaline and lead to more skipped beats..
so it's essentially a vicious cycle, a huge trap that is hard to get out of.. for me I got rid of the constant premature ventricular contractions from exercising and relaxing.