My anxiety has been causing me to feel sick to my stomach just wondering if its normal?
Does this happen a lot : My anxiety has been... - Anxiety Support
Does this happen a lot

Yes ! Totally normal.
Oh yes. My anxiety shows up in my stomach. It's awful when it starts to churn. Took me years to figure out what it was. I'm so glad I'm aware of it now. I can calm myself down.
Absolutely! There were days Id be chewing pepto bismol just to get through. Stress & mental illness can play a big part on how we feel physically.. if it is getting bad and effecting your daily life maybe you could reach out to a loved one or doctor. Good luck! Im here for support anytime.
Yes to the point of throwing up
Me too. Awful isn't it
The worst. I can not believe how anxiety messes with our bodies
Thanks everyone it helps to know that is my anxiety
Mines the worst 1st thing in the morning as soon as I open my eyes. If I have a lot to do that day it’s worse. I hope you’re feeling ok ❤️
I keep wondering when this will get better when I will be ok enough to get better
I know, me too. It’s not pleasant at all, do you have any triggers that make it worse for you?
Leaving the house or people coming over sometimes I get panic attacks gor no reason and lately I have had anxiety all day the pressure in the chest the if I move or anything it feels like my heart is racing to the point it feels like heart attack could happen my stomach had been hurting and upset too
They definitely aren’t pleasant symptoms for sure I get them too. Have you been able to speak to a dr about how you are feeling just to make sure something else isn’t going on?
Absolutely, mines hurts on a daily basis, I can't sleep because of it. There could be reasons for it. Maybe go to a doctor to make sure if it isn't Serious?
Yep anxiety make u sick all over lol true
Unfortunately, yes.
I was in such a state the other day by the end of work and the whole drive home, felt as if i might be sick any moment.
I medicate with cannabis but can't do that at work.
Yes completely normal. I get what I call anxiety tummy on the daily and many times a day