Hi all hope you are doing ok,well tomorrow I finish my cbt and I feel a lot better then when I started,I still get anxious but a combination of medication and my thoughts seem to have helped me do everyday things my only problem is my fiancé doesn't get anxiety he thinks when he's home I should be fine as I'm safe with him around,he works away for 2-3 months and I struggle when he's home coz he wants to do things like go out places but my anxiety does rear it's ugly head and I find reasons not to go because he doesn't understand how I feel I just want to avoid a situation where I start feeling lightheaded and generally weird,any tips on what I can do because I don't want him feeling I don't want to go anywhere with him x
Last cbt tomorrow: Hi all hope you are doing... - Anxiety Support
Last cbt tomorrow

I am pleased you cbt has been a big help
I will keep this simple as the only thing I know what to do in a situation like this is just be honest with him , tell him just like you post on here & even write a letter if that will be an easier way to express how you feel
I am sure he will appreciate it & it will help him to understand
Good Luck
I hope it all goes well & you will let us know how it goes
Thank you x
I have the same issue, my partner doesn't understand anxiety at all, when I try and explain to him about it, he just says .. How can I help, which is no help at all. There a leaflets about anxiety has he read one of them? Agree writing down what actually makes you anxious may help him understand a little better. Glad cbt is working ...still waiting for mine
hi lynne, my o/h is exactly the same, she thinks if she goes out to different places or meeting other people that something will bring on a panic attack, the what if thinking, so I now understand what she is going through and don't put any pressure on her to do anything she is not comfortable with, so happy about your cbt. love jasper xx
Thanks for everyone's reply really appreciate having people in similar situations to me giving me some advice.x