Am I insane? Are my thoughts making me fee... - Anxiety Support

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Am I insane? Are my thoughts making me feel like this? I am tired of this.

5 Replies

Hi everyone it's been awhile since I been here I am back today because of my health anxiety. Ive been having troubles with my left knee and thigh it hurts it feels tight and just horrible. Today I had to walk quite a long distance. 4 hrs after this I decided to lay down take a breather when I sat down I felt my knee twitch I thought nothing of it, within second my vision blurred I felt short of breath, nothing like I've felt before, racing heartbeat I freaked thinking the worse case scenario blood clot my knee has been getting this stinging pain behind the knee and right now my upper back feels achy with jabbing pains throughout my back

I'm being over stressed

Everyone tells me I need to exercise more and to relax it's all in mind. But what if it is a pulmonary emboli

Or the other and it bad

I want to know my doctors aren't checking out

Could it be acid reflux

5 Replies


It sounds like your health anxiety from what you are describing

You went for a long walk & it is normal to get aches & pains after , I only have to walk round the block & every where hurts !

Have you ever tried rubbing something like deep heat into your joints when they hurt , I find that really helps

The reason your GP is not doing anything about it shows they are not concerned

They must have examined you & I am sure if they thought there was any kind of problem they would have run tests on you , it would be more than their job was worth not to

Not sure if you are taking any meds or having any counselling , but you could go back & tell your GP how bad you are feeling & how your anxiety is really affecting you & ask for more help

If the one you see doesn't seem very sympathetic then see a different one in the same surgery they might have a better understanding of Health Anxiety

I do know how you feel because I suffer with it to but I do have to try my best & trust the doctor & tell myself that if they did think anything was wrong they wouldn't just leave me & not send me for tests if they were needed

Hope you are feeling a little calmer :-)




HI Hypoc x I suffer from ha and its the worst of my anxieties as its the trigger of the p,attacks. Good on you for thinking about health and getting exercise, as for your knee, it could be any number of things, but maybe you have just slightly overdone it. Maybe pulled something, next time you walk try using a knee brace see if it helps. Once the anxiety has set in the whole body will trigger symptoms left right an centre and it becomes impossible to reason with the one ache x Id in doubt though a trip to the gp will put your mind at ease x Donver x

Thank you both for replying to my message. My leg pain has been there for almost a year now. And is getting worse the doctors want me in physical therapy. I have private insurance and I feel like for what I am paying for it's not worth it the do toe just took a look at the leg made me do some stretches and said it was muscular and X-rays which they said no fracture or broken bone which I knew. And blood work which they say was fine except low potassium levels.

They did not check the veins unless the blood work was for that, but when I asked they didn't answer me my chest hurts but dunno if that was from yesterday's freak out

MrJohal profile image

I felt the same, I joined the gym, did some squats and the problem went away or it gave a reason for my legs to be hurting.


Yalak profile image

Try to watch the so called your thoughts objectively. They are not your thoughts. They are thoughts. Try to watch them as you would watch a wolf passing by. See the feelings as the passing by tigers. Do not identify yourself with thoughts or feelings. They are thoughts. Conditioned thoughts are your thoughts? NO!

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