Hi, I'm a 16 year old girl who lives in The Netherlands. I moved there in 2014, and before that I lived in London. I've been constantly moving houses my whole life. I don't feel comfortable talking about this but I feel like I have no one else to tell because I'm so scared that they'll judge and hate me for it for the rest of my life. Like they'd think of me as a coward; a person that cannot stand up to herself. 'You're old! Do something about it,", "There are other people dying at this very moment.". I've tried telling my family about how I've felt, (negative thoughts, how I feel about my life), but they laughed at me and told me to shake it off. There's this empty feeling in my chest 24/7, a feeling that I can not shake off. A feeling of guilt, a dark feeling, that follows me around. Sometimes it doesn't show up for days and then all of a sudden it hits me like a ginormous earthquake. I now avoid the school cafeteria because I am too afraid to walk into it, I am afraid of all the stares that they'd give me. I always feel like they're looking at me from head to toe. Judging me. Making fun of me. Laughing at me. Making fun of my hair. Making fun of the way I dress. Those thoughts make me sweat in nervousness, and I end up walking into the bathroom instead. I then do manage to make myself walk into the canteen during the first breaks with my friends. My hands are always shaking my palms are always sweating.
There are many more who experience worser things than me, who experience bullying, wars, death, so why should I be complaining? Why am I so annoying?
Since I moved from London to The Netherlands, the language barrier set me 2 grades back. I'm supposed to be going to year 12, but instead I'm going to the 10th. So that set my insecurity to a whole new level. It destroyed my ease and will to learn.
Whenever I walk into buses, I always feel like their eyes are on me. They're repulsed of me.
She shouldn't be here.
Why is she here? She's so ugly.
I am repulsed of her.
She'd be better off gone.
Those are the thoughts that go through my head in public. Today, I went to a theme park and the whole time I felt like everyone's eyes were on me. Judging me slowly up and down. When I firstly got the tickets, the woman at the desk sounded really rude and I felt like she was repulsed of me. It really did take a toll on my day. Small things stay on my mind for months, or even years. I do face a lot of discrimination here, since I have golden skin and brown hair. It does make me feel unwanted, a lot. It makes me wanna move away from here. There are days that I avoid shopping, going out, or going into public because I feel like I am gonna get judged. I feel stuck. I feel like I am in a cage and I cannot get out of it.
Did I do something wrong? I ask myself as someone instantly looks at me. My heart rate always increases whenever I'm alone surrounded by people. Especially on buses here, because people stare all the time when I'm in it.