Does anyone else find their anxiety upping its game when Xmas is on the horizon? I've been telling myself that I MUST be ok for Xmas because if I'm not it will be ruined.Its my thinking I need to change here,but it really gets to me when I feel I've got to be ok or I'll let the family down.Roll on January (sorry for being a Scrooge).
Christmas anxiety: Does anyone else find... - Anxiety Support
Christmas anxiety

HI Robbie x I think with anxiety its just the build up of pressure rather than the occasion at times x Obviously with xmas we try to get it all organised and make sure its all perfect but we find we are putting ourselves under stress and pressure by doing so x So things seem harder x I dont think xmas can ever be ruined by being a little off on the day x And you never know you may wake and find its brilliant x Donver x
Hi Robbie
You are not been a Scrooge
I like Christmas but at the same time it sends my anxiety up , in fact I am just trying to sort things out now & I can feel by heart racing
I dont no what its like for men but as a woman there feels there is so much responsibility , getting the presents , cards , food , the list is endless & by the time Christmas is here I feel ill & then its cooking for me over most of the festive period !
I like & enjoy Christmas after the day when the pressure is of !
So no you are not the only one that finds Christmas sends their anxiety up !
There is so much pressure on around Christmastime that I think most people find their anxiety levels higher. Unfortunately for us, ours are up there already !!!
I would advise to take one day at a time, don't look too far ahead and maybe write a list of what needs doing and cross it off as you go. I am a great one for lists.
I am sure you will have a good day with your family... Love and Merry Christmas, Julie xx
I can't even bring myself to think about it lol done nothing yet so if anyone's a scrooge here it's me
Thank you guys for your very helpful answers.I knew you would all understand,that goes without saying really.
Whywhy - yes I can appreciate your points from a woman's perspective.I'm a carer for my wife so I do all the cooking,so Xmas day I have to be functioning on some level.
Julie - yes I think a list is a great idea
Definitely in the sense we are having a big family Christmas and you want it all to be perfect. X

That's just it angelofhope.Society dictates that we must all have perfectly arranged Christmases,I watched people this morning at my local co-op.They were buying stocks of food,baking trays etc as if we are facing a massive crop failure.Where does this mass hysteria come from?