Really angry: Phoned my surgery today and I... - Anxiety Support

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Really angry

5 Replies

Phoned my surgery today and I see one particular GP. I was told I wouldn't be able to get an appt. for about 8 weeks. There is another GP but he is a complete arrogant tosser. Any suggestions

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5 Replies
Adorable1 profile image

That seems like a ridiculous amount of time to wait. Most surgeries have a system where you can call on the day the dr is sitting and see if there are any cancellations, I can only suggest you call back and ask if they have this service available to you. Explain you always see this dr because he knows you and you feel better because he or she is aware of you. I know it's a pain having to call on the day but it may be a way round it.

Not sure if you are comfortable with saying you suffer with anxiety and this dr is the only one you can see and 6 weeks is for you too long to wait. Ask what they can suggest as it can't wait 6 weeks. That just seems like too long to wait to me.

Let us know how you get on , I hope you can sort it out. It is understandable to feel angry.

Love sue xx

That is a ridiculous time to wait. We have the system at my doctors where you ring in the morning to get a same day appt. I agree that you could ring and ask if they have that service. Is your dr that good that you need to know if you are going to be poorly in 8 weeks so better pre book an appt just in case!!!


Hi Holly.

I think 8 weeks is a ridiculous amount of time to wait for an appointment, in our practice there are 9 docs and although I usually see the same doc I have at one time or another seen most of the others and have found them all very understanding and extremely helpful. I have never had to wait for an appointment I just ring up at 8am and get an appointment the same day. I hope you get sorted out a lot quicker keep us informed

Kenny :)


Sometimes if you have been missing appointments this can happen, sometimes also if you are failing to take your medications you may be subjected to a sanction.

I do not know if this has happened here, on occasions it may be possible that the doctor may be going on holiday and has a booked up list, although I do feel that eight weeks seems to be a bummer, you will, I suppose, have too take the doctor that you do not like just to get any assistance for your condition. Remember if you cancel an appointment you are actually blocking that time for another patient who really needs too see the doctor and will not be popular at the surgery.because of it

No never missed an appt. just that the other doc is a complete tosser and no one wants to see him

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