Does anyone else's palps last for a long time ?! As in on and of over a long period of time ??? There doing my head in now I got this 24 hour hart monitor thing in two weeks time too...x
Palps !!!!!!!!!!! : Does anyone else's palps... - Anxiety Support
Palps !!!!!!!!!!!

I get them all the time, I don't know if you saw my post from yesterday about mine. I also have the heart moniter in 3 weeks
I have had them as well
I no you will both be fine , its this anxiety & I no its hard to believe as it took me years
I am sure once you have had the monitors on & get the all clear , it will give you peace of mind & hopefully you will start relaxing & be able to not fear them as much & then they will start to go
Hahaha how much are you starting to hate repeating yourself lol xx
Hahaha think I might start copying & pasting
I wont give up though , you all will believe me
I know there just doing my head in now trying not to let bit tho !!! Been for so long my monthlys not helping really always like this worrying even more during this time bloody things !!! Ashley27 gd luck with the monitor things they start to calm down for u too thanks for both replys
What are palps?? Nobodys ever discussed it with me before? I could have them and not even know lol xx
Hi Sammy , its short for palpitations
When you can feel your heart beating as if it misses a beat or does a big thud all of a sudden , something that lots of people with anxiety get , but then it can lead to a fear that there is something wrong with their heart
Hope that might explain it a little
Thats so wierd i had that yesterday lol! Yhh i get that often mostly at night for some reason :s xx