The title pretty much says it all.just wondered if anyone had suffered from this for a long time and then overcome it?
Still looking for people that have constan... - Anxiety Support
Still looking for people that have constant lightheaded/off balance/faint heavy head feeling

I suffer from this daily. I am yet to find any relief from it. Some days I feel like I am unable to walk in a straight line.
Omg yes!!!thats exactly how I feel!its so horrible!i hate it!i just can’t imagine ever feeling normal again.what has your doctor said?
I have had head pressure,tinnitus,and dizziness for 3 months now. Had all head scans,blood work done and everything came out good. I'm scared Every single day that something is wrong in my head that someone is missing and it make my anxiety worse not knowing what is wrong. Every single day I live in fear worring.
Yes!this is exactly how I feel!constant worry and sheer terror!i haven’t had scans as they are reluctant to do them and feel its feeding the anxiety.i hope you start to feel better soon.
I had this as well as lots of other awful symptoms for 6 weeks, it wasnt until after lots of tests i finally believed that anxiety could be causing it that it finally subsided. The more you worry about it the worse it seems to get.
I dooo all the time constantly .. I know my iron was kind of low but I’m not sure why I know anxiety is too blame
Yes. I Feel like this all the time. Thought it was my antidepressant causing it, so stopped taking it and now I've got worsening depression along with the faint giddiness. Beginning to think I can't win this battle. I find myself more and more confined to the home now to afraid to go out.
Yes that is exactly me!faint giddiness is a great way to describe it!i swear it’s now become all I think about(as well as my heart) so it’s just constant.i too don’t really go out.when I do I feel terrible,although I feel terrible in the house too!cant win!
Oh really hope you managed to find some relief soon!
I have had these symptoms constantly for the last 3 months or so, my head is quite painful at the back of the head and pressure is building and building. Constant pressure on the top too, a bit of brain fog, constant neck pain. You are not alone.
One word for that .... “stress”.
Or a second more popular word : “anxiety”.
This is very common with anxiety and trying to refocus your attention with the right help and support can always help to reduce these feelings.
I was dealing with this for over a year and I have to say I stopped focusing on it thinking it was something deeper and feeding into like why me why do I feel this way I wish it would stop cuz the more i did that the more intense it got and would really flare up my anxiety into a full blown panic attack it’s pretty much subsided but I recently got sick and now it’s back but I don’t really focus on it just do deep breathing and what I did is I pushed myself to do things even though I wanted to stay in my comfort zone and that helped me a lot I hope this gets better for u
Brilliant reply Stephanie, I really hope both you and Minnie recover from this horrible symptom.
I certainly had it at my worst but for some reason, apart from at the very beginning, I never really got scared of it so I never focussed on it and it got better on its own really quickly.
There were two symptoms that really bothered m. The first was a really weird sick dizzy feeling that was linked to a sense of doom and I really hated that, so all my focus went on it. It did eventually go but took a very long time because I got so upset and worried by it.
The second was breathlessness which is the one symptom which has lingered a bit despite having made a full recovery and am finding life great again after two years.
It does show us that the symptoms that really upset and frighten us are just the symptoms that remain.
It is just the sort of nasty trick anxiety plays on us.
However we have to be brave and expose anxiety for the paper tiger that it is by trying not to be afraid of our symptoms. Easier said than done.
You, and all of us suffering from anxiety are very brave to cope at all and we will all get there eventually.
Very best wishes.
I feel this shit everyday and its pissing the fuck out of sorry about my language but i had to let this out because anxiety thinks it can beat me and yes it has me by my balls but when i turn around and grab it by the neck im going to choke the shit out of
Anyways realy though been feeling faintness 24/7, dizziness,heart palpitations, some deep breathing ..matter of fact last nite i couldnt sleep because everytime i would close my eyes to fall asleep i would go real dizzy , and at times i feel this vibration or tremor come on slowly through my whole body..and im saying shit this is it ..
But then i pop a xanax and soon later im ok and finally fall
Oh my if i can explain how i feel daily..its like someone took away half of my mind body and spirit...
Im going to see a specialist in june so ill see whats next..did all other test mri ct scan, blood work all normal so lets see what this other specialist will tell me..
Gooduck but no worries..
We all have so much more to live for so dont trip because if you had nothing to live for you wouldnt be worried seeking for help and

Get your B12 checked. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause these symptoms. I wish you well.
My friend called me last night and she was dizzy 24/7 ... dr gave her lexepro and Xanax she feels amazing!
Have you ever tried Xanax? Even a half of one maybe?
I had the lightheadedness, woozy feeling off balance eye flashes for a year tight neck muscles tension headaches. Was scared! Stress anxiety and panic attacks. I have good days and bad. For a long time I thought I was the only one.
How you doing now, have you found anything that helped??.
I believe my anxiety has gotten worst
Idk why maybe because I'm not doing the necessary life changes wich I need to start doing..I believe only ourselves can actually make a difference despite therapy ,meds ..

Now I have good days and off days. I felt I got every weird symptom. But now I get the lightheadedness not real bad anymore but bad enough to piss me off and say "here we go. I better buckle up it'll be a bumpy ride" heart palpitations and my eyes get effected. As hard as it is I'm learning to not focus on it makes it worse. Also being hypersensitive to everything in my body and I feel something different I have to try real hard to not focus on it. Like I've said many times before a lot of this stemmed from my neck and my trap muscles
I feel you, its tension that makes us dizzy and lightheaded.....same here Iv learn to deal with it , its these added on symptoms of dyspnea that I'm going through now..not able to breathe in deep for air..I would have to constantly try breathing deeply for a satisfying take...anxiety keeps adding to the mix
I'm not sure how to say this but I did suffer with this and still do , but it's very moderate then severe because I'm understanding it more.
Of course anxiety itself will manifest itself and come the dizziness and fainting and off balance. Well check this out iv tried osteopathic therapy and believe it or not but it actually eliminated alot of the tension and dizziness .
I'm not saying its 100% gauranteed for anyone but I can assure you tension that goes to your head is why you would feel heavy headed ,dizzy and then ofcourse you would feel like fainting . I would say give it a try its helped me and it might just help you to...look it up its osteopathic...find a doctor that is omt certified.
They massage gently on your head and shoulders, neck to release tension wich eventually will leave you feeling lighter, and not dizzy...try it out