Sorry if this upsets or worries anyone. I dont mean to cause anyone distress.
Right, a bit indepth this, but i was just thinking about why we are all suffering with this. Some people have just a small amount but some heart goes out to them.
Is is just a 'thought process', something we are just thinking about and bringing it on ourselves?
Is it a chemical reaction or a hormone imbalance?
Does anyone have any idea?
Because there has to be a 'thing' we can do to make ourselves better. If theres this many people, all over the world with this, why can we not find one simple 100% certain way of getting rid of this.
I used to think 'normally'. If i saw a real threat i would feel threatened. If i had a headache i'd know it was a headache and i would take a tablet and it would go. If i went to the dentist and had a filling i didnt feel as though my throat was closing up i'd know it was just numb. If i lost a child in the supermarket, i'd look for him, not go off into cuckoo land cowering by the breakfast cereals.
If i watch a tv programme and get really into it. It takes me some seconds (too long) after to adjust and come back to the here and now. To know where i am, what day it is etc.
What is wrong with me now? I need reality back FULL TIME.
I'm not having a panic at the moment. I feel fine. This is just so unfair. I just want to know why it happens?