Sometimes for a week or so I have dizzy moments and they have happened in the past but not for a very long time, is dizziness something to do with anxiety?
Dizziness!: Sometimes for a week or so I... - Anxiety Support

Dizziness is a symptom of anxiety but if it keeps happening, just as a precaution, it might be worth seeing your GP just so you can rule anything else out for sure.
In the meantime I'm not sure what advice I can give. But standing up too quickly can cause a blood rush and trigger dizziness, so it might be worth baring that in mind just so you can minimise the risk of making yourself feel dizzy.
P.S. Regarding your other question me and my friend still laugh about it. In hindsight these things are often funny.
I'm dizzy right now but I think that's maybe cause I've ate too much sugar. Should really stay away from it.
ive been dizzy for 6 months. ive terrible anxiety and in january a vomiting bug triggered it. drs said it was vertigo but i seen specialists and they said it was anxiety and stress. its constant like a rocking swaying motion. dont know if its how you feel but its terrifying xxx
It can be signs of several things so best talk to your doc. I've had it linked to anxiety but we also have diabetes and low blood pressure in the family which it can also be associated with so they check me for those as well when I get a bad spell.
Dizzy I would say its more like being off balance and yes do go to your GP but my gut feeling here is that it's Stress
I find that relaxation helps but most of all get to the gym and burn of that stress and Anxiety it's not a cure but you will feel better for it 100% better but you have to keep going try and go 3 times a week my Anxiety is up and down but getting better I've had no medication what so ever but we are all different, the dizzy feelings are there and will come and go if you ever want to chat about it I'm all ears I find that talking helps but not to much see I'm doing it now omg lol
Just think happy thoughts try not to think about it
Easer said than done
Exercise it works but when you get of the tread mill that's not dizzy that's your mind messing with you breath you will feel great after
I have a similar issue. I have BPPV or vestibular disorder which affects that part of the brain that controls balance. It is right beside the limbic system of the brain that controls emotions. So if you are feeling stressed, down, shaky like I was and thought it was stress.... it may be due to the dizziness. I go to a functional neurologist and physio for treatment. Perhaps you should check it out. My doctor was useless in diagnosing. She said my lightheadedness was due to my blood pressure dropping.