I'm just coming up to 2 weeks on Citalopram 20mg and I was hoping that i would be a lot better by now (I know they take up to 6 weeks to really kick in but I was hoping it would be quicker for l'il ol me), I was feeling OK but yesterday was DREADFUL. I literally had to order myself out of bed, force myself to eat breakfast and then force myself to take the dog for a long walk.
After realising that I had been told that this would happen by my wise owl of a friend, I followed her advice and continued to boss myself around all day, and actually got quite a bit done (at least I didn't just sit there, which is what I wanted to do really).
I felt really really dreadful, I mean waves of dread crashing over me, and shaking inside, wanting to cry and go back to bed. I also haven't slept well for 2 years nearly, but the last 2 nights have been worse than usual, so I'm really tired too.
This morning I was awake at 1.30, 5.30 & 7.30 and i'm unemployed/unemployable (!) at the moment so I really really don't like that! Finally dozed off for 1/2 hr at 9. Pointless! But I felt marginally better, still had to make myself get up and walk the dog, but have got some computery stuff done, Uni stuff, which I need to do by 23rd... really don't like deadlines!
And now I have counselling tomorrow to look forward to. Really dreading it, don't know what to expect, don't want to feel upset after it. Hope it's ok.
Would like to wake up tomorrow feeling perfectly fine... here's hoping, eh?