Hi all
It will come as no surprise to most of you that Whywhy and I are friends off this site, and I can confirm that this time, she is not coming back!
She is perfectly happy with this decision, which she believes is the right one for her. In fact, this morning we enjoyed a few Tena Lady moments together !!!!
HOWEVER - she has asked me to make it perfectly clear that she DID NOT leave simply because a blog she contributed to was deleted, as has been implied by Admin. She has the biggest heart I know, she is an intelligent and mature woman, and would NOT leave over something so petty and stupid. I would also point out that it was I who made the comment about "nutters" which was apparently complained about. Well, if we can't laugh at ourselves, what hope is there for us?
Something else happened, which I cannot go in to, which did upset her - please, no-one on here, so PLEASE don't anyone feel guilty - it was a misunderstanding. However, as many of you know, Whywhy has been considering her membership of this site for a while now.
As she herself put it, a few things over the last few weeks and months have been baking the cake, putting the icing on it - and Yankee's heavy-handed treatment of Whywhy, who has always given FAR more than she took, of Grog, who, bless him, really needed this site and the banter and fun we had - well, that was the cherry on the top, and she felt she had to go.
I will say two thing before I finish. First, I am by no means sure I will stay - some lovely friends have left and that makes me very sad. The second - as I said above, my comment about "nutters" was said in fun, was not intended to offend anyone. For years, I have found a sense of humour my greatest weapon against anxiety and depression, and if I have to "watch what I say" for fear of offending someone - well, not sure I can cope with that.
BUT - this blog is about Whywhy, and I repeat - she DID not leave because a blog was deleted. It was, as I said, simply the cherry on top of the cake. She has helped more people on this site than anyone I know, and Anxiety UK could have dealt with any problem far more sensitively! Well done, Yankee, you've lost the greatest asset this site has ever had.
I should not be surprised if this blog is deleted, but I felt I had to say it. And -this is for Whywhy - we love you, darling, we'll miss you, stay safe and look after my friend Bev for me!
A sad and angry Rose