8 months ago i was diagnosed with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder). Whilst i do 24 hour respite care i lost it in a small meeting with my manager. Whilst struggling with the Disorder for many months now finding it hard to get out of bed. Care has never been compromised and now i feel that i have let all my team down at work as i have had to go on the sick with this. I am still waiting for CBT!!! Any comments welcome.
Social Anxiety Disorder: 8 months ago i was... - Anxiety Support
Social Anxiety Disorder
I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a hard time but please don't feel like you've let anyone down by going on sick leave with your anxiety - I too went on sick leave and once I got past feelings of guilt I was able to start to focus on me and my recovery. It turns out I'd been neglecting 'me' for the whole year I was working for that company, so it was nice to give myself a thought with the time I had off
I know how it feels to be waiting for CBT, through the NHS the waiting lists are a nightmare! The only thing I can suggest, if you're needing CBT quite urgently, is to perhaps look into going privately. I've been with a CBT therapist for a year who is £80 per hour (but she reduced it to £60 after 10 sessions) and there was absolutely no wait involved. I've heard of other CBT therapists being £35/40 though, so it might be an option to look into if it would be possible for you?
Wishing you well
Katy xx
Hi Katy,
Thanks for the Reply. I am going back on Mondy to see the Phyciatrist. Also all My Collegues are worried. There is no bad thoughts on anyone but when you do 24 hour Respite Care with Adults with profound and Multipal disorders unfortunatlly you cannot think of yourself. As in the NHS and else where there is alot of job cuts being made . 2 years ago i went through all of it had to be reinterviewed for my job. Felt very bad for those who lost thir jobs due to not being able to answer a few questions. This does not mean that they cannot do their job which makes me mad. Even though i am qualified in medication i feel mine needs adjusting further. i need to be on the ball on shift. Some meds can make you sleepy! So i am going to take this time out and try to think of me. The correct cours of care!! Helenxx
I definitely agree Helen, it sounds like there are lots of stresses and strains involved in your job and it's so important that you look after yourself at the moment and focus on you and your wellbeing
Wishing you luck with the psychiatrist tomorrow, I really hope this helps you
Sending you hugs!
Katy xx
Hi Katy,
Thank you. I have now been diagnosed with GAD. He has changed my medication but befor i go back to work i would like some time out to make sure it is working properly as i can't go on shift feeling like crap! I am also showing signs of depression because the disorder has got me down sooooo much. Need time out. will not be going back to work i don't think until 22 July. will be going back to see the Phyciatrist on the 15th July to see how the meds are. This is the longest i have ever been off on the sick for the whole 11 years (where i have worked)! i will keep you informed.
Sending you hugs back!!
Hi Katy, Sorry to hear your predicament it seems its always the good who suffer.. If you can talk to your colleagues and explain what your illness is it would certainley help them to understand your situation and given the nature of your job you may be run down as well. Are your employers aware of your illness? Again they may be more sympathetic if they are made aware of your feelings.
Good luck.x
Hi oldhand,
Are you refering to Katy or Helen? If you are refering to me Helen then yes they all know about my disorder. Everyone is so worried for me as they just want me to get well. Occ. Health have been great. They are saying that Helen needs time out for Helen. Also with the run down bit. I went to see a clinical Phycologist and she made me answer some questions. She said that i am bridging on clinical depression. I guess helen has not been thinking about helen and has been to involved with care and thinking that if i go on the sick with this it will leave my team short. The care has never sufferd because of me feelings on shift though. Can not stress that enought to you!!!