Just had one of the worst panic attacks ever started with feeling like I was going to pass out then shortness of breath now I'm laid in bed shaking is this normal for a panic attack please help!!!!!
One of the worst: Just had one of the worst... - Anxiety Support
One of the worst

Yes I know this feels terrible and frightening but it is suggestive of a panic attack and will pass
You should tell youtr doctor about it in any case. He/she will be able to check everything out properly. If it is purely a panic attack they are quite often triggered by shallow breathing and there are breathing exercises you can do which can really help. Anxiety UK have various recordings you could use or you can download a free app for Android or iPhone. I sympathise as panic attacks are often terrifying when they happen, but completely harmless.
Hi guys thank you so much for your replies feeling a lot better today thank goodness for that xx
Hi I have been going through withrawl symtoms I used citalopram 4 over a year and didn't take it for a week thE clinic didn't want to give it say I must come see the dr and that's monday only. I feel terrible. My insides shaky ,light headed,just sick. And when I eat I feel nausious. What can I do
I wasn't I had to take 20 mg but I was in my own world so I cut it 2 10mg then I told the dr and she said if I feel better than its fine. So they gave me a box and a date but I didn't go on the date cz I had enough tablets. Last thursday I sent my husband to collect it they refused and said I must come monday. I didn't go cz I wasn't well with this withdrawl symtoms. I went on wednesday and the sister of clinic was so harsh and said I must cum nxt monday I explained how I'm feeling and she just walked away. So I wasn't planning to leave it. But I would love to I don't want to be on meds forever
I am convinced that if I stopped my medication I would become very illl. I don't like taking drugs, I used some in my younger days, glue, cannabis, speed, a whiff of cocaine.