I've been suffering with a panic disorder and severe anxiety for nearly 4yrs. It was particularly bad in November (stopped going to 6th form and working from home) and i struggled to get out of bed until 12ish, felt dizzy and totally out of it until late afternoon, and avoided all social situations.
Now things are a little better, I still feel house bound (unless it's to go somewhere 'safe' with my mum e.g.shopping) and still make excuses not to meet up with friends. However, now it only takes me 15mins to come round in a morning and for the past month haven't had many strange feeling days.
But I know i'm still not right, i'm forever making excuses not to do things that I know will bring on my panic or anxiety, i feel so trapped.
I never know whether to ask my doctor to go on medication or not because im constantly up and down. One month i can put up with the anxiety and can feel like im making progress and then the next month i could be going through total hell and dispair.
Last weekend when the weather was nice and sunny i almost felt i was back to normal and that i could do anything. Now the weather has changed my anxiety came flooding back after such a nice weekend. I was so upset and annoyed that something like the weather can determine my anxiety!!
I've been having CBT for 7months and feel like im making extremly slow progress, ive promised to go on a holiday in the summer with my friends and then im meant to be going to uni in Sept.
But right now i can't predict how i'll be at that time, its really stressing me.
Is medication the answer for me?
Sorry for rambling on! xxx