Is what I’m feeling normal and am I ok? :( - Anxiety Support

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Is what I’m feeling normal and am I ok? :(

Luke329 profile image
32 Replies

So I know I have some anxiety for sure because of panic attacks I’ve had prior to the way I’m feeling now but over the last four days it’s gotten more serious. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve had to explain yet and I find it very difficult to figure out myself let alone explain it to anyone else. Here it goes : The other night I was watching a movie on the couch and had a couple of beer when all of a sudden I felt my anxiety creeping in for some odd reason. I started having a panic attack and decided to go lay in bed and try and sleep it off. The next few days I’m finding my vision totally obscure and it feels like I’m not registering anything or there’s like some sort of disconnect to my brain. I can feel this overwhelming stimulative feeling in my whole body like I could just scream and my head has this unbelievable pressure. In turn it’s making my anxiety worse because I legit feel like I’m going to go insane and flick like a switch to some horrible demise. It seems like a vicious circle and every morning I wake up I’m blinking and looking around and concentrating on different things to see if my vision still seems as wonky. Is this normal and am I going to end up in some sort of psych ward? :(:( I’m honestly terrified.

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Luke329 profile image
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32 Replies

I honesty feel you. well mabye not the drinking part. but yeah other then that I know what your going through cause i deal with Anxiety like every day. and it doesn't seem like it's going to get better for me. but i hope that it gets better for you

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

That’s what I’m hoping! I really hope it gets better because it’s very consuming that’s for sure.

Sarah_brarian profile image

Are you new to anxiety/panic attacks? For me, they were a lot more mysterious and frightening when I first started having them.

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to Sarah_brarian

I’m not new to panic attacks I think I’m Moreno new to the side effects and way a person feels between panic attacks. Panic attacks are like a for sure thing as in I’m having a panic attack but the way I feel is like the period between and I find it more scary because I’m not sure if it’s anxiety related type thing.

Sarah_brarian profile image
Sarah_brarian in reply to Luke329

I know what you mean. My symptoms are strange and ever-changing. Usually I'm nauseated. I mean, all the time. But recently I've had things like heart flutters, dizziness, feeling like my throat is closing, insomnia, etc. Like I said, the only real constant is the nausea. Worse yet, being a woman, any time I mention feeling sick people automatically ask if I'm pregnant. *sighs* Nope, just crippling social anxiety but thanks.

So, to say what is "normal" about your anxiety symptoms, nothing is normal, nothing is wrong. I know it's no help simply telling you but, you're not dying and You're not going insane. You're just experiencing the lovely diverse world of anxiety.

Have you though of therapy? If that's not your thing, there are some helpful workbooks out there that can help you figure out what is going on for you specifically.

Wishing you all the best.

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to Sarah_brarian

Thanks for the insight!! I appreciate the time everyone is taking to help me out for sure! There’s lots I need to try and there’s lots I need to figure out. I’m not against therapy at all it’s just really expensive and hard to take time out sometimes.

Sarah_brarian profile image
Sarah_brarian in reply to Luke329

I completely understand. If you have insurance, (I don't know what country you live in or how that works for you) sometimes you can find a doctor "in network" and only pay the copay. For me it's just $15 per visit and I go every other week. I didn't go to therapy for over a decade but a few months ago I decided to focus on myself. It's worth it. Whether it's reading, seeing a therapist or getting a gym membership to work off the worry, it's all worth it. I'm also changing my diet. Do some research. Some foods are said to cause anxiety.

Lalakeyss profile image

Drinking makes my anxiety HORRIBLE. Every time the doctor would tell me, it would go into one ear and out the other. But now, I can only have a glass of wine at best. The physical symptoms are endless with, I have experienced almost every one of them at this point. However, I am still here. I am still believing that I can overcome this. My grandmother battled this for almost 10 years and she told me "it scary, it sucks, but surely baby... You are gonna be okay." she's 94 now and she's still walking, grocery shopping, and cooking. We are gonna be fine!!! Educate yourself on anxiety, pray, be patient (I am giving myself this advice too). Hope you feel better!! And you will!💕

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to Lalakeyss

Thanks so much! I don’t drink often and it was a casual two beers over a meal kind of thing but I understand it can heighten anxiety symptoms. It’s the way I feel when I’m not having a definite panic attack and the way my mind and body respond to past experiences and things. It’s hard to come to terms with even small things people might have leapt a secret or little things you don’t like about yourself and I find I’m screaming to tell someone just so I can feel better but don’t want to burden the people in my life by stressing them out over something that’s not even relevant or a big deal you know?

Lalakeyss profile image
Lalakeyss in reply to Luke329

I completely understand. Everything is heighten for me- anxiety makes us feel and think on level 10 when there's no real issue. We have to continue to be aware of the tricks anxiety plays on the mind and snap ourselves out of it. It's a difficult task, but definitely attainable.

We can't worry about past or the future, we have to stay in the present as much as possible. Besides, that is what life is about... staying present once we conquer this- anxiety will lose its power.

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to Lalakeyss

I just need to start understanding what’s done is done and over with and it doesn’t necessarily define who I am today. I want to move forward but I find sometimes you forget who you really are and question yourself because you just don’t feel confident with all the panic and feelings of the unknown. Thanks for the tips I really appreciate it :)

Sarah_brarian profile image
Sarah_brarian in reply to Luke329

That's the spirit!!!

Sarah_brarian profile image
Sarah_brarian in reply to Lalakeyss

I came here to reply to Luke but your post just made my day. Your Grandma's story gives me hope.

Anxiety can come out of nowhere and it can have so many scary symptoms. Alcohol can make it worst, if you are feeling really unsure and not comfortable with these symptoms I recommend you go see a doctor or to an emergency so they can check your vision maybe even give you a ct scan to make sure it's nothing more.

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

That’s what I was thinking... it’s like my vision isn’t focusing or recording what it should properly and it’s maoing me super anxious . It’s not a nice feeling by any means :(

in reply to Luke329

Yea anxiety symptoms are very concerning but you want to rule out anything serious and have peace of mind

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

I totally agree but yesterday I had went to the doctor and I’m almost begging hombre to spend more than five minutes with me in the room but he hears what I have to say nods and nods and gives me a blood analysis sheet to go get blood work and says come back in a week and we’ll go from’s very disheartening because I need help or some peace of mind and it falls on deaf ears constantly.

in reply to Luke329

It's time to switch doctors. I make my doctor stay with me for a while because I ask a million questions and I bring up everything. Though sometimes I see he shrugs off most of my concerns and I don't like that

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

Me to and it’s very frustrating. Leaves people in the blank

in reply to Luke329

Its horrible

Im on the same boat as you ive had head pressure a week now its awful my doc says its anxity im taken fluoxcine 40 im hopein they kick in soon r u taken anything for anxity?

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

I’m trying to stay away from anxiety medication because I’m afraid of what might happen the time I can’t get a prescrition or when I don’t want to take them anymore. It’s scary to me to alter myself like that if there some way I can try and fix it without that stuff you know?

in reply to Luke329

I started taken panic attacks 6 months ago i thought i was dieing then the head pressure came it was awful i tryed 2 help myself with out tablets but had 2 go on them ive never took a tabet in my life nor do i drink. My doc had 2 giv me 40 fluoxcine they have complete took away the panic attacks but the head pressure is bk im hopeing that passes soon. My doc thinks i should drink plenty of water go for walks & it should soon stop sumthing you could try

in reply to Luke329

What ever your problem is talk to someone about it. Buy some magnesium glycinate, it will calm your body and your mind. It's a natural mineral, non addictive. Drs Best brand, chelated magnesium, Amazon !.

Luke329 profile image
Luke329 in reply to

I’ll definietly take a look into that :) thanks man!

Sarah_brarian profile image

Overall, here's something I often remind myself. Anxiety has the uncanny ability to mimic serious health problems. If you're really concerned, visit a doctor. Even if they tell you, "It's just anxiety", at least that's one less worry on your mind. We can do this guys. One day at a time. Oh, and never apologize or feel embarrssed about your concern. It's just something we're going through right now. This isn't forever.

Heatherj89 profile image

I had panic attacks for years and then one day I got the disconnected, spaced out, feel like I’m in my own zoneweirs visual (but not really visual) feelings. It freaked me out worse than any panic attack ever did. I was experiencing depersonalization from anxiety. Maybe that’s what you are experiencing too. It sucks and it’s almosg impossible to explain. I would feel so disconnected and selarated from What was right in front of me. Anxiety can do some bizarre things!

annacorinne692 profile image

I agree with the person who said magnesium glycinate. I have 95% control over my anxiety to eliminate it by 95% and guess what, it was alllllll diet. It's hard to convince you in 1 post but trust me, people are allergic to foods in a different way without actually being the normal sense of allergic, it's a different type of immune cell response. If you remove gluten and dairy and take the magnesium (avoid magnesium oxide, I like Natural Calm magnesium I cannot sleep a full night without it, with it I sleep so peacefully, you get an immediate rush of calm, very good for the heart). Also take a natural complete multivitamin. So no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, (organic) multivitamin, magnesium (citrite), and also consume flax seeds and purchase Nutrapro Cod liver oil for DHA and EPA (cannot reduce inflammation without them, necessary for brain). With this protocol, I have no anxiety as long as I mind my blood sugar and drink organic decaf coffee or green tea and lemon instead of caffeine. I believe anxiety is actually exasperated or even based in a real health unstable condition, check out Kelley brogan "A mind of your own." If you can't afford all of these things just eat fruits and vegetables all day and don't touch gluten or dairy. I pray that everyone can find the same relief that I have attained. I wish every single poster here knew this protocol. I've lightly studied natural health for years.

annacorinne692 profile image
annacorinne692 in reply to annacorinne692

I would like to disclaim, I know for some a huge portion of anxiety needs to be conqored by the standard mental recooping and choosing to overcome like everyone talks about here, I agree. I'm just saying for those where it's extremely hard for them to get a grip even if they try for weeks, consider my post. Also I try to love God and keep His 10 commandments which brings me great peace.

Niiiknb profile image

This happens to me I no it’s a year late but it’s comforting to know I’m not alone

My vision has been crazy this last 8mths lots of floaters,lights weird sensations in my eyes which I can't explain .I also get one of my eyes watering I is driving me crazy.The doc has put me on mirtazapine which has made me so lethargic and my depression and anxiety has hit the roof.

just realized this was 3 years ago ,forgive.

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