Oh well it looks like the anxiety feeling is back. Id forgot just how horrible it was. Im on holiday with some girlfriends and not sure how Im going to get through the day. Wish i could just feel normal and enjoy life. Hope you are all feeling ok today.
That horrible anxiety feeling is back - Anxiety Support
That horrible anxiety feeling is back

Do you think something has triggered it? Can you tell one of your friends about it. That might help. Try and think about what worked for you before, and keep posting. Good luck.
O poo. That's rough on holiday. Hope you manage to relax again. As formidible says, do you think something triggered it? Something you could avoid? What were you thinking about at the time? You are on holiday, so try to tell yourself you have no worries for a while at least and try to take a break from it. Enjoy, darling, you are a party girl! xx
O poo. That's rough on holiday. Hope you manage to relax again. As formidible says, do you think something triggered it? Something you could avoid? What were you thinking about at the time? You are on holiday, so try to tell yourself you have no worries for a while at least and try to take a break from it. Enjoy, darling, you are a party girl! xx
O poo. That's rough on holiday. Hope you manage to relax again. As formidible says, do you think something triggered it? Something you could avoid? What were you thinking about at the time? You are on holiday, so try to tell yourself you have no worries for a while at least and try to take a break from it. Enjoy, darling, you are a party girl! xx
O poo. That's rough on holiday. Hope you manage to relax again. As formidible says, do you think something triggered it? Something you could avoid? What were you thinking about at the time? You are on holiday, so try to tell yourself you have no worries for a while at least and try to take a break from it. Enjoy, darling, you are a party girl! xx
O poo. That's rough on holiday. Hope you manage to relax again. As formidible says, do you think something triggered it? Something you could avoid? What were you thinking about at the time? You are on holiday, so try to tell yourself you have no worries for a while at least and try to take a break from it. Enjoy, darling, you are a party girl! xx
Nother poo! The message wouldn't send, so I kept trying and now you've got it a hundred times. Me and technology!! Instruments of the devil.xx
Thanks everyone your comments did help and I did manage to relax even stayed calm on the flight home. I do know what triggered it, I have swollen taste buds on the one side of the back of my tongue and a dry month which I believe can be a symptom of anxiety and even though the doctor took a look last week and said it was nothing to worry about it's driving me mad and it's all I think about. It gives me a wired feeling in my throat, has anybody else ever experienced anything like this? Thinking of going back to the docs because i'm getting really anxious which I'm sure is making it worse. xx