It kind of goes off the posts I have before, but I’m afraid of being friends with other women. I’ve been trying hard to be a “girls girl” but sometimes I don’t know if I’ll get the same loyalty that I give out. Like say if I have a girlfriend, I make sure she knows I’m not interested in her husband or bf. But the moment my man comes around, she’s the first to try to play in my face and see if she can seduce him🥺. Or she’ll be all nice and cute in conversation to me, but next does some passive a like call my bf or send him messages the next moment and it’s so stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t always a loyal chick in my younger years. But I’ve learned the mistakes to be loyal in my adult years where it counts especially when life gets more serious.
The same goes for the guy I’m with too. I could be super loyal, not try to flirt with his friends, make sure I’m not doing anything weird behind his back, but I literally have no clue if he would take the opportunity to betray me if it came to him you know? Is he strong enough if women who are more beautiful than me come around him? Is he who he claims to be behind my back? Or I hate those guys who low key think your friends are cute
I get that I can’t expect others to be like me, but I’m just wondering when the day will come when someone has the same level of loyalty and respect for me and I don’t hav to question it or keep bringing it up💙like I’m just so tired of giving so much and not knowing if I’ll get it in return. Im not perfect but I never realized how hard it is to find genuine people. Like usually they’re super nice but there’s a catch or hidden agenda. Or a mask to cover up hate. I know for a fact karma is real, I’ve seen it play out in my life. I just feel like right now at this place in my life I have so much I could lose. I’ve already hit rock bottom, so just been praying I do have the right people around me so I don’t hit another rock bottom. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed about whether I can trust those who claim to have my best interest I just want to disappear and cut everyone off. Thanks for reading or listening.