Change is hard especially if the outcome is unknown. I keep trying to predict worst case scenarios to my current stresses and problem solve them all now. It isn’t healthy or realistic and I know this but my freaked out brain doesn’t and won’t shut off. It as if I’m walking this fine line and desperately trying to keep balance. I’m so afraid of not being able to fix every problem I’m facing.
Things that never used to bother me like taking my son to his neurologist, getting a bill notice, helping my daughter with college aps, returning to work after summer break, taking on a 2nd job..... are all HUGE triggers for me and send me into a tailspin of panic. I’ve had anxiety and depression before, but never like this.
I didn’t sleep at all last night. My body is starving, but I’m so nauseous all the time I can barely eat. I don’t get paid until tomorrow and I’m out of gas, out of food, have bills stacked up, and have to take my son to see his neurologist this morning. I worry endlessly about him and his future with his sleep disorder. This also triggers the fact his insurance ends on his 19th bday in February and I have no clue what to do as I can’t afford to put him on mine and I feel I’m fighting a losing battle with getting him on disability.
Things cannot stay the same or it will kill me, but change is so very frightening for me. So much has changed for the negative in the past year. I feel so far removed from the happy stable girl I was last summer. I want her back and this sickly person who I have become gone.
Thank you all for making this a safe place for me to speak of and face my fears. If I didn’t have here to come to on my really bad mornings, I would just bottle it up and become more sick.
I must put my fears aside, slap on a happy face, and get ready to take my son to his appointment. Oh, I also hear back today if I got 2nd job or not. I’m nervous either way.
I’m a mess 😩