Anyone else having all day anxiety about catching Covid? I am high risk even though I’m not old and thankfully I work from home but my bf goes out to work in construction. I don’t know where his coworkers go, who they see etc.
We sleep in different beds and I won’t even kiss him. I know that’s got to be hard on him, we even wear masks in the house. I’m pretty sure that if I was to get it I would die or have to be in icu/on ventilator.
The guys at his work wears masks but do have to be close sometimes and with these new super contagious variants out there makes it even scarier. I also have 2 much older brothers who are at risk and I worry like crazy they’ll get it. One is very obese,has pre-diabetes and high cholesterol and high b/p (on meds for the b/p). Plus they are both over 50.
Everyone talks about mental health from not being able to be with friends in a pub or restaurants with their families etc. But I hardly hear about severe anxiety from possibly getting it.
Anyone else have this?