I have no one to talk to and I hope someone here can offer me some advice. Sorry if this is long. My friend and I met last year at our job, we started getting close, and eventually, we just started hanging out and he became one of my closest friends, my only friend in town actually. He helped me a lot with different things, and we always hung out. There were a lot of times though when he would cancel on me in plans we created to be with his partner, which is fine as I support his relationship but this relationship was toxic, they have broken up before because this partner was misgendering him, and laughing at videos with the N-word (he's white) so I never said anything about them getting back together because my friend gets defensive, so I always just listened and was supportive. I noticed that whenever I would speak about my trauma with a relationship he would just tell me to get over it and groan if I ever brought it up, so I never did anymore. I never told him anything about how it made me feel because I was scared of losing him as a friend, because I could see past all of that, I really care about him.
In December though, I went to Mexico to visit my family and was there for about 3 weeks, before my trip we had plans to meet to give each other our Christmas gifts but he canceled on me to see his partner again so we didn't meet. During Mexico, I never reached out to him because my internet over there pretty much was nonexistent. On the day when I was at the airport to go back, he texted me asking if I was going to come back soon and if we could hang out, and of course, I said yes. I was excited to see him, but he canceled because he was going to go see his partner and lied to me about being sick so I just texted him "feel better"
A few days later we bumped into each other in school and I was really happy to see him and gave him a hug for New Year but it seemed like it was one-sided because the air felt very awkward and only I seemed happy, and he left rather quickly and I did too. A week later, my grandfather passed away, and I did not have the motivation at all to speak to anyone, I was heartbroken and still am. Two weeks later I am still heartbroken. Now I wonder if my friend is mad at me, this might sound stupid but my friend always engaged with anything that I posted on instagram and he is very active (always posting stories, literally every day) 4 days ago, I posted something in honor of my grandpa, I have not heard anything back (I did not post so I could get a response but I remember him mentioning that he ignores people on ig if he is upset with them) 2 days ago I decided to go to his house and leave my Christmas gift on his doorstep, I didn't knock or text because I was a little scared, I can't handle talking about grief to others or explain my reasoning as to why I am not talking to people. Again I have not heard anything from him, I even passed by to see if the gift was still there and it wasn't, should I contact him and ask if I did anything wrong or if I did anything to upset him? I fear he has been talking bad about me but I get confused because I don't think I did anything wrong towards him. I am stuck on what to do and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.