Hi everyone.
My spouse and I had retired recently, but I honestly did not realize how tough adjusting to retirement would be.
Everything from having to let go of your old routines and recognizing that they no longer work. And then having to develop and adapt to a new routine. This has also prompted personal growth for each of us.
( no one seems to talk about that aspect) Change is hard. It leaves us feeling scared and insecure. Adjusting and feeling comfortable will take time and patience on both our parts. We recognize that we need to kind and gentle. Both to ourselves, and each other as we both evolve and grow. We are trying to give each other space and room to grow as individuals and lower our expectations we have for ourselves and each other. We are trying to go with the flow. We are not growing apart, we are simply growing. This part is not easy.
We try not to dwell on the past because it cannot be fixed or changed. When I have past resentments I journal about it. He has his own way. After 40 years of being together there will be some, but I recognize that both of us have become older and wiser. We are not the same people we were when we got married.
I struggle with C-PTSD. Recently I noticed I have been having panic attacks in the kitchen. I guess after 40 years of meal making and feeling taken for granted for it has taken it's toll. I start making dinner and then my spouse has to finish it. When I clean the kitchen now I have to take my time doing it. I have to remind myself that's it's ok to take my time and not berate myself for doing it. I have to remind myself that I am not pressured or expected to make a meal when all I am going in for is a cup of tea. I have to remind myself that it's ok for me to just cook an omelette for dinner or for us to each have somthing different for dinner or to order out if we can't agree on what to cook. My spouse likes to eat a lot of meat. I'm not a big fan. The kichen is a biggie for me. I need to go slowly, gently and kindly. I will probably also have to grieve.
My spouse and I have both worked very hard our whole lives as well as raised a family. We have both put the needs of our family before our own. We now need to learn to relax and look after our own wants and needs and neither of us knows how. This is a learning curve for both of us. It is a time of self discovery but also a time to grieving It is also very overwhelming.
As I write this, I realize that there are probably a lot of books and advise columns to help to ease you into retirement and in theory it all sounds well and good. In reality, as we are both emotional at times and struggling to adapt to the many issues retirement brings up, It is messy and it takes time.
I had a friend tell me that when she retired she just sat on the couch for two years and watched tv.
I'm sure that there are many more issues regarding retirement. These are just a few that are pressing to me at the moment.
Thank you for reading! Best wishes on your healing journey!