I just wanted to tell you all that you are all wonderfully and uniquely made. When I was going through depression I had to remind myself of this daily. God made each of us for a unique purpose. Not one of us is the same and each one of us he has a plan for our life. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11. I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Six months ago, I had to leave all that I knew in a short period of time and move to a new location, with no job and no real plan. I have had to trust God with everything and He is showing me that he is in charge and does have a plan for my life. Do you have a time that you did not know what was going to happen, but had to learn to trust God?
Wonderfully and Uniquely Made - Anxiety and Depre...
Wonderfully and Uniquely Made


I am sorry you wrote no. I believe each one of us are special. We just don't realize it, especially when our thoughts and illness overtake us. I will be praying for you. God really does have a plan for you even thought it might not feel like it.
came across your post was nice- how did you really learn to do this?
I have gone some really tough times. Depression and darkness was so hard for me and I didn't want to live like that. Even thought I was a Christian when that deep dark depression overtaken me it was hard to see the light. But through journaling and making my journals prayers I learned praying to God really helped me with my faith. This is a great journal - Quiet times - bit.ly/2MqEscG There is a song called Praise Him Through A Storm. youtube.com/watch?v=L5bLvVj...
The lyrics reminded me that I can have joy even in the toughest time.
Six months ago I had a horrible thing happened and I really had to let go and trust God because, there was really nothing I could do. He showed me that He is always with me. I prayed with friends, on my own, and just totally submitted myself to him. Then I remember He will never leave me or forsake me. These two verses I live by: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Philippians 4:5-7 Do not be anxious about anything with prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
I read a daily devotional and pray several times in a day. I know I am not alone and God is with me. Here also are two amazing poems - Footprints in the Sand bit.ly/2x04tJ5 and The Difference bit.ly/2Ivo7pm.
I will keep you in my prayers and I am happy to pray with you and be here to listen and share any time. Blessings.
Actually I'm learning to trust god right now in my life. I just got over a year long psychosis where I actually thought I was jesu s and my dad was god. I thought i was the savior of the world and that I cured all diseases known to man including cancer. Even now that I'm not in a psychosis anymore I can still feel something is happening that is bigger than all of us. And yet I'm still a small nobody in this great big world struggling everyday to make ends meet. Struggling to be someone in this life. I know I'm destined for greatness but i have to trust god that its just not my time yet and to be patient. But i know he wont leave me hanging and that he does have something beautiful planned for me. My life can't stay this small and unnoticed forever. Right?
God does have a wonderful plan for all of us. He uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This article talks about ordinary people God used. bit.ly/2tuYGLe Pray to Him and He will guide you. Finding the right church and small group will also help grow your relationship with God. I will be praying for your spiritual growth. God Bless.
Yes i need spiritual growth bad!!!!
Praying for you. This is a great site vibrantlife.com/?p=199 that provides suggestion on improving spiritual growth. Happy to pray and share with you any time. Love and Blessings!
Hi Passionate!
Please view my post here...it turns out to be a verse for you!
Absolutely, I have. There is no other way for me to live! He is my Savior and Deliverer. I trust in Him. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:13...”And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” I hope you have a great evening!!

Have a wonderful evening too. Blessings!
If it wasn't for god...I wouldn't be here..

That is such a blessing to hear. Praise God.
Hi lovetodance2018 & everyone else,
so sorry for this long overdue reply. I only came across your posts only recently. I don't a always check my post.
so glad to hear you are finding comfort in the Lord's words. I have meditated on those verses as well and there is another I want to share with you that especially applies to us.
It's 2 Timothy 1:7. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power,love and self discipline.
Or another translation reads: For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but one of power,and of love and of around mind.
God is faithful. He led me to a church where I received healing through counselling and prayer and lots of support. It was non judgemental and a safe place to be vulnerable. I received almost 2 years of counselling and healing prayer. I had OCD, depression and anxiety. I had to fight a battle for my mind. When the enemy says my family's going to get hurt or I'm going to die in a crash the night before a Christmas dinner with my bible study group, I've had to plead and apply the blood of Jesus for protection, to break the enemy's curses and attacks and for the peace beyond all understanding. And we're all here thus far, Amen!
My church is a healing prayer church. It understands that mental and emotional illness are symptoms of trauma.
I am a Christian but my faith is as small as a mustard seed. I don't read the bible everyday and I may not pray as much as before but I don't beat myself up about it. I come from a background where it was broken and so I don't have trust, faith and unconditional love but God is in control and is teaching me how to, this errant child that I am.
My prayers are for you to know the the Lord's love, grace, healing and tenderness. Amen!

Jeremiah29 - This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. We need to be reminded daily of God's love for us. So often we are too busy doing things in our life, or our mind is too clouded with thoughts to truly listen to God. It is so important for us to stop and listen. I also love Psalm 46:20 Be still and know that I am God. A friend of mind reminded me to make sure I am available for the right things. I am a person who lets my thoughts and stuff get in the way of truly listening to God. He is always reminding me and teaching me He is there, loves me, and has great plans for my life. That is the same for all of us. We just need to get out of the way and allow God to work in our lives. We will be amazed of the peace that surpasses understanding when we allow God to lead and the blessings we receive. Just writing this and hearing what you shared reminds me how blessed I am and helps me feel more relaxed. Please continue to share. We all need these reminders and encouragement. Thanks for praying and my prayers are with you too. God is a healing God we just need to trust and believe. Hallelujah!
Sorry, stupid predictive spell check thing. It should read , For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, and of love and of a sound mind.
Sounds like my whole life. I’m constantly scared of the future.
I used to feel that way. Then I had to learn to truly let go and trust God. I still have days I struggle with letting go. Those are the days I have to remember that if I want to have peace and no fear. I have to let God be in control. We make our lives more complicated than God has planned for us. Two of my favorite poems are The Difference bit.ly/2Ivo7pm and Footprints in the Sand bit.ly/2x04tJ5. I hope they are encouraging to you as they are for me. I don't have to fear or worry because God is my comfort. In order for me to believe this I have to pray daily and repeat over and over God's got this. I will be praying for you and feel free anytime to reach out and chat. Hugs and Blessings!