okay so this is going to be a decently long thread.. my apologies in advance
This past year has been absolute “heck” I’ll try and be nice with my language…
Around early July. I was starting to be sexually harrassed by my step father. Or to be more precise my brothers step dad.
he took me in at the start as a family which at first I was very happy for and I thought I could be happy. Unfortunately things took turn.
he started off with small comments that had me feeling off. I kind of told my partner who was also feeling off about it but I decided to shrug it off as I’m a overthinker and overthink alot of things. Well i should’ve trusted me self I’ll tell you that.
after a short few weeks of him making off comments he started more so turning into conversations . For example he works at the same job as I do. And so I would go to him for work related things. And he’d change the subject to innaproppriate topics which I just kept trying to avoid. I know at this time I should’ve told him off or even mention it to someone but I stayed quiet.
Before I continue going with this . Please understand . I did not will not and WILL NEVER like this ever. I hate it. I never once enjoyed any of this.
After a month of dealing with conversation..
Then came in the sexual physical things.
he did not rape me which I’m very happy about. But he did touch me in places I did not like and it still makes me comfortable today..
now I have to be honest so that I can get the feedback that’s proper and not make myself. Look all angelic..
I have no doctor, I have little to no patience when it comes to health issues and he was like a dad to me (at first) so I’d go to both him and my step mom about health issues which involved my 🐱.
On that end I was wrong I’ll admit it.
but I never once asked to be touched there.
and during then he saw how uncomfortable I looked and even said “I know you didn’t like it but I’m only trying to protect you” when I can clearly do it myself when I’m home. (This was during our work)
here is now my problem. I give people who don’t deserve it chances. I’m just that kind of person where I’m trying to learn not to. I kept going back to him after these things happen. I’d take a few days of avoiding him but then go back not at all because I enjoyed the attention of sexual things. Not one bit. But because he was a step dad to my brother and he was apart of my job and I just wanted to ignore it all and act like nothing happened.
a few months later.. I finally spoke up to HR and my step mom.
he is getting into trouble yet still has his job.
and I’m in trouble for holding it in for months.
Now before I end this off.
My exact feelings why I didn’t come forward sooner is I did not feel mentally prepared to., I had many worried thoughts as well as I knew I’d ruin a family who took me in when my bio parents aren’t here for me anymore.
I felt embarrassed angry and I held it bottled up. That is why I never came clean until this week where it’s been the hardest week of my life.. anyways that’s it