My 16 year old had everything going for him, honor student athlete, family that loves him, friends. Last year he started failing and withdrawn from everything even sports that he’s done since he was little. I took him to a Psychiatrist and therapist and he started meds, but found out months later he was doing drugs. Not even sure what but for sure thc vapes/carts. After that he refused meds and I took him to a different therapist. He liked him more.
Few months later (homeschool now) he had a break up. This has sent him spiraling again. He texted his ex and said he was going to kill himself in the next few days and he’s been using drugs. She told me.
When I confronted him, he said he didn’t mean any of it and he’s not using. I begged for him to go to a mental health facility for evaluation but he refuses.
I don’t want to force him with police but does anyone know any other options?