So, my 14 year old son has struggled with serious depression since he has been able to talk. A quick background....I have had full custody of my 3 kids for over 10 years. My daughter is now in college and I have fraternal twin boys who are now 14 years old and starting high school next week. My son with the depression has always struggled with just about everything in his life. School has always been difficult for him. I started taking him to therapy at age 7. After getting nowhere for about 4 years with different therapists, several different medications, a month stay in the hospital when he was 11 with suicidal thoughts and harming himself, and nobody willing to diagnose him with anything other than depression, we finally saw a doctor who suggested autism due to his rigidity and inability to deal with any disappointments. That was the first sign of hope. Through the recommendation of his doctor, I had my son get in home (ABA) therapy for a year. This was all during the pandemic so the stress of school was taken out of play. He finally showed signs of major improvement, but as soon as he started the 8th grade, his ABA therapy ended and school was back to full time. He slowly slipped back in to his self harming (cutting) and stopped trying in school and his grades were mostly failing grades. I had the same ABA therapist come back over to the house to help him and he did well again. This time it was just a few months and that ended a few months ago. Now, right on cue he is slipping back again. He has a very defeated mentality and nothing seems to help. It's almost like he goes along with the ABA therapy to get people off of his back but deep down, nothing really helps him. I have had endless positive reinforcement talks with him but nothing seems to work. I am at a loss, after 10 years of trying to help him with his outlook on life, he is just as miserable as he was before all of the therapy. He has been taking Wellbutrin 300 mg for a few years and I don't know if it is helping but the list of medications he took before I believe contributed to his suicidal thoughts. He does see his mom every other weekend but he is not very close to her. Another major thing is I was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago. It is not curable but I am currently doing well. I know he is concerned about that but I think he would be just as miserable regardless of my health as he was before my diagnosis.
Anyone out there kids, or parents who can relate and give any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know I can't "fix" this or him, but I have done all I can to put him on a path to learn coping skills and try to deal with his issues and I don't know if anything has really helped.