nothing in life interests me or brings me joy, I have 1 family member and one semi friend (who’s an ex so there are triggering moments) whom I feel like I’m a burden to both. I feel like I’m stuck and just existing while the whole world is going on without me. I feel like I have no purpose in life. I’ll take any advice or talk to anyone please.
feel like a burden: nothing in life... - Anxiety and Depre...
feel like a burden

Hi Bowwow87,Thanks for your post.
From my own experience it seems like you are in what my psychologist called Zone A. You really want to get to Zone B. There are things getting in the way, that is symptoms of mental illness.
What I had to do, was first up accept this, 2nd plan to make small changes to overcome the problems (loss of interest, motivation and energy in my case), 3rd don't push myself too hard and 4th ask for some professional advice & support in therapy.
My plan was for my benefit over four weeks. Each week was broken into 7 days. Then each day divided into 24 hours of sleep, activities and relaxation. I gave up trying to faithfully record my efforts. It seemed one more thing to much when already struggling.
I have to be honest, this was one of the toughest times but worth it to break out of the dead Zone A and move into better place Zone B, not perfect but OK.
You can accept or reject the idea. You are your own life expert so know what appeals to you 😉 🐈⬛
blackcat64013 thanks so much for the reply! What were your plans during the 4 week period?
My big plan was to get my unit back to clean and tidy. One week equals one room. Each day had time for a couple of hours work in morning, 3 hours for meals, 2 hours for me to walk or call a friend, 8 hours to sleep.The afternoon time was for appointments, home administration, shopping 🛍 and therapy, again with 2 hours of me time.
The evening was for anything I could do after catching up on TV news.
The key was to be mindful that I was working as hard as I could for myself, within my limits and it was OK not achieve something on my schedule. Depression is such a tough beast to have to deal with, especially when you feel like giving up. That's OK too.
I feel very similarly at this point of my life. You are not alone in experiencing this. I think it comes from a sense of isolation, pessimism about life and the future, and a sense of being overwhelmed with life.
Having something to look forward to might help. I understand the sense of just existing, trying to get by, and not having interests or things that bring you joy. That is characteristic of depression, and negative filtering.
Were there things in the past that you were interested in or gave you joy? Is there something you could try or explore? A small step maybe?
LunarEcho24 I’m always trying to think of new things I can explore but nothing comes to mind. I would like to find activities that I’m able to go out and do alone and not in the house.
Hi Bowwow87! Welcome to our community! I’m feeling similar to what you have described so I’m hoping to learn how to pull myself out this. Feel free to message me anytime.
Downinil thank you so much. You can message me anytime you need to as well I hope we can help each other.
Hello! I am in the same situation myself. I feel like life is going on around me and I’m not a part of it. I’d like to become or feel vital again but don’t know where to start. Feel free to message me anytime.
Welcome to the community. I was on the same boat as you for a while, I have no family members to really fall back on, it's just me and my grandpa ocassionally. I have one friend who talks to me when I go to college but I feel there's a distance between us that I can't really get by. The world feels like it's moving steps ahead of me, and I'm still adjusting to the changes being made today.
What I had to do was make small changes to push myself bit by bit towards looking for something to look forward to. Scheduling positive little moments every day can make a different outlook on things. That could be visiting a coffee shop, going to a mall on weekends, going to events, or some personal activities like decoration, exercise, listening to music.
It takes some time and isn't easy, but simple steps can make great progress in shorter time.
Riki_ yes baby steps is the plan for me one day at a time. Thanks so much for the advice it’s greatly appreciated!
Yes, although it's more to say that being social comes with discretion and working within your comfort zone. As it is difficult to appeal and allow newer faces in your life without burning out overwhelmed once you try to while being depressed. It's ok to feel this way, be faithful to yourself first