You know how Everybody is keep on saying that “your life is Great!!! You ShOuD Be hApPy, tHerE ArE PeOPle wHo Is LiVinG Worse than you..” you get the idea anyway.
And they are right i think, but i feel genuinely unhappy and sad I’m crying all thd time when alone in my room, i keep on ”hibernating“ (sleeping all the time) just to not be awake and not feel shitty about myself, my mind is sabotaging me, i feel awful always sad, people around me says that I’m viewing everything through “a Negative lenses “, i used to be so positive and optimistic my heart was on my sleeves, always open for new friendships and eager even to go out and have fun. Now it’s the complete opposite, i hate going out, I don’t have a purpose, i feel like a waste of space, i get frustrated pretty easily.
by nature i hate opening up and talking about my problems, especially to my loved ones, because i hate to bother them with my issues.
So when i finally told them i feel depressed and tired they told me “it will pass, You Are Strong!!, you never even Cry in public, it’s temporary, there are people who feel a-lot worse than you“ thats what my family said.
But I really do feel bad and empty, i have a black hole in my heart that is consuming everything good in my life turning it into something unbearable, I’m afraid of my future, I’m afraid of losing people i love due to my unstable state of mind, I can’t even trust my judgments anymore. Sorry for it to be too long i just needed to let it out. Thanks.