I've had anxiety for a long time (with some panic attacks) and I'm finding lately I'm having sort of long term sweeping moods. For example, I was more or less OK in December, then in January I got really depressed for a few weeks or really about a month. Then it seemed to ease off, and while my mood didn't recover to feeling great, I got to a sort of stable not that good but OK plateau. Now, over the last few weeks, I'm back in a terrible depression. I'm able to do pretty much everything that I'm supposed to do (go to work, clean myself, etc) but I don't have any joy in anything. I've had some pretty severe suicidal thoughts as well (ranging from active to passive), which are finally starting to resolve (though I did have a thought of being run over on my bicycle earlier today). I am seeing a therapist and a psychiatry provider.
I have a lot of stressors in my life, and they are absolutely contributing to my mental state, but I can't figure out how to draw the line and cut some of those commitments, as they represent a lot of work I've put into my field. Probably my biggest is I'm almost through with my Masters, and this last class (a practical experience) continues to loom like a dark cloud in front of me. Any time I think about it my heart starts to race. I don't want to withdraw, as there was a lot of prep work for it and I've already paid money I won't get back, not to mention I've done almost two years of grad school to get here, but I also don't feel like I can handle it. My therapist helped me put it in perspective earlier, comparing my life to my success (or not) in grad school, and helped me remember that it's more important to be alive than to finish grad school right now or at all. I just find I'm looking at that choice and it isn't so black and white - can I be successful? is it easiest just to hunker down and feel awful all summer and finish? Will it push me over my tipping point? I don't know !
Anyways - I'm trying out online support groups and may try one in person. I'm not sure what I'm actually getting at in this post other than saying hello I'm here and am curious how to best use this medium. Thanks all