My name is Maria. I am 20 yrs old. I've had anxiety and depression since I was at least 10. It's gotten worse over the years. I don't normally seem like it bothers me but there are days that I just want to hide from everyone. I've told some people about it but they brush it off or just say it's all in my head and that I'm fine. I don't know who I can talk to. I'm worried of seeing a professional because I don't want to be a bother...
My introduction: My name is Maria. I am... - Anxiety and Depre...
My introduction

This is their profession. You won't be bothering professional help but you will likely be given meds if you tell a regular doctor. I would advise seek psychological counceling and talk therapy before meds. Maybe try other "do it yourself" therapy before meds. Here are some of my tools for managing my anxiety
-excercise releases your brains natural anti anxiety/ depessant chemicals. Rigorous enough to get to heavy breathing and blood flow. It can be as simple as jogging in place or climbing stairs
- diet changes. Caffeine and sugar work against you
- meditation , I use podcasts and YouTube videos to find guided meditations, self hypnosis and inspirational self affirmation. Use the search bar. Get a podcast app
- stay connected, don't isolate. Find forums like this one, Meetup groups, recovery , church, etc to express your feeling and get feedback
-Volunteer or support or encourage others is a good practice. doing things for others gets you out of ruminating about yourself.
- attitude of gratitude. As hard as it is, it could always be worse. I make gratitude list to remind myself of my blessings.
- write it down. Keep a journal, dig deep. Write letters to yourself, to god, your resentments, your fears, your inner child etc. be your own therapist. It's cheap
-Avoid news, politics, and advertisements They all use fear to control your emotions
-Avoid social media. Don't fall into the trap of comparing your insides with other people's outsides
-Try Q96 brain supplements Or other natural suplimemts. Google it. I have not gotten dramatic results but I know people who have
With or without medication these tips have no negative side effects Good luck
I'm 19 and i have dealt with depression and anxiety since 12 so i understand where your coming from. I don't have emotional support either. Try counseling or talking to your doctor. It sucks that so many people don't take mental health seriously. Hang in there. I feel like i always isolate myself from people. I think its best to see an professional before your health gets worse. You won't regret getting help from someone.
I just get anxious over the thought of seeing a professional...
I is scary. But i promise there is people out there that dedicate their whole lives to help people like us. Its gonna be ok. They will have your back. Are you in college?
I was. I dropped out because I just couldn't get myself to get up or get out of my car to go to class..
Oh i understand i went through the same thing...i had to stop technical college. It became too much but i would just suggest try talking to the closest person to you or you trust the most or just try to get a counselor. I hope i helped. Stay strong.
I actually found a friend from the same uni as I was from that has anxiety and depression. So we just started opening up about it. So far it's helped. Also thinking of maybe doing jogging at nights since nights are when I get most anxious. (I just haven't fully motivated myself to do it😅
I fully agree with the other posts. It is vitally important that you get professional help! You can't beat this stuff without help. However, with help, you can. I have had the same symptoms as you have and with the help of both a psychologist and a psychiatrist, I fully recovered. I am especially sad to hear that you are dropping out of school. Your future depends on getting your education and all the more reason to get the help you need NOW. Please let us know that you are receiving the help you need. We're behind you 100%
Hi Maria, my dad used to say the same thing, that it's all in my head. Just remember what Dumbledore said: "Just because it's in your head doesn't mean it's not real". I used to be afraid I was bothering my psychologist but as she told me they went to school for this, they want to help people.