Im 44 and I've been dealing with anxiety on and off since 1997. I also have Ulcerative Colitis. Over the last 5 years the breakdowns have been at its worst. About 5 years ago a had a steroid shot for sinus problems, had a breakdown, serve anxiety, could sleep for 6 days. Never been the same since. About 4 times a year I experience what seems to be non stop adrenaline for over a week sometimes 2 weeks. I take klonopin, low dose of beta blocker, colonadin, cbd once in the morning and once at night. I go through periods of feeling just fine then everything goes wrong. A lot of the time I can't find anything that triggered my what I'm assuming is stress/anxiety. When it's triggered nothing helps, extra medication, mindful meditation. I don't know what to do at this point. I can't handle SSRI's or a lot medication for that matter. I see a therapist and a doctor who just prescribes meds, has no time to hear my problems, just says that is what your therapist is for. Does anyone have the same problem or have any insight?
Periods of non stop adrenaline and sw... - Anxiety and Depre...
Periods of non stop adrenaline and sweating for a week to 2 weeks.

Hi Needhelpwith, I am not a doctor or therapist but I will say from my own
experience in that "sometimes, less is more" regarding medications.
Therapy is a very important part in our healing and reaching our goal of well being.
I've been in your position at one time where the psychiatrist starts getting frustrated
that we don't get better. So either they start suggesting more and more medications
or as in my situation, he blurted out "do you believe in prayer?" I knew then he no
longer knew how to help me with my anxiety. I was either going to be on my own
or find another doctor. No one seems to have the time anymore in helping the patient
whether it's emotional or physically caused issues. We must become our own advocates
as well and search for the help we need. I'm glad you found this caring community.
We are not professionals but able to support you because we understand what it's
like. It's going to be okay....don't give up We're here to help you. xx
Thank you for your kind encouraging words. My psychologist (well he a nurse practitioner) has never cared. I live in Louisiana and the health care here is terrible. I prefer not to take any meds but it's not that easy. I'm just at a loss. Usually when I go through these bouts I can't stay asleep, can't eat or drink, and usually lose about 15 pounds in the 2 week period. My head can be clear and rational but my body is just freaking out. Does any of this sound familiar?
Hi Needhelpwith... I'm sorry you feel your NP is not giving you the care you need.
There is one person who does care about your well being and that is you.
When a so called good friend told me that, I was crushed but it actually turned out
to be true. I was my own best friend and would become my own Advocate to get better.
Experiencing the side effects you do when stressed plays hard on your body. Something
needs to break that cycle and get you back on path. Medication/Therapy can address
those fears and make it shorter term for a while.
I tend to doubt that your head can be clear and rational since the Mind/Body
Connection is intertwined and powerful. There are many methods that can be
used not involving drugs but you have to start somewhere. Usually medication
for a short time is worth it's weight in gold (along with therapy) I hope this helps
in some small way. Good Luck dear Of course the decision is yours xx
hey there
The main thing I’m responding to is your comment about your psychiatrist. I’m a firm believer that in my case I needed a psychiatrist who has empathy or at least some. That has a heart. The other psychiatrists I’ve had , didn’t have much of , just wanted to prescribe right away, and my particular situation was much more complicated than that..
Now they’re not easy to find, so many of these doctors are somewhat robotic in nature in my opinion, I did end up, searching high and low for a referral program here in my area in which I was able to specifically ask for the things I wanted in a psychiatrist and therapist, such as having some level of empathy.
I had to go interview two or three with that specifically in mine, along with other skill sets that I was requiring and have found it helpful to have that level of care for my particular situation
Maybe try looking in your area for referral system like I did that you can be specific about in your search .
otherwise what you might want to do is call up particular doctors and ask if they have an empathic side .
I did when I called to good results

Thank you for responding and the caring advice. I'm going to give that advice a try Monday. My therapist is great but my psychiatrist has always been cold with no time for me, he even fussed at me for being 6 to 7 minutes late for an appointment. He then told me we should do telehealth instead, made me feel small and worthless. I had never been late to his office in years.
When I was first diagnosed I didn’t know any better. I had a knucklehead dock like that and when I changed to somebody who spent 45 minutes it was a quasi psychiatrist/therapist
Well, my life changed for the better.
great luck to you.
Much love

Thank you, this gives me hope. I'm amazed by how some doctors are so cold and careless. I think empathize too much also, I read that being an empath is a blessing but it sure doesn't feel like it right now.
yes, I’m going through exactly the same thing. Sinus problems from antidepressants. Found out I have vasculitis. Constipation issues from antidepressants. I tried not taking them for 5 months but I gotta go back on them. I can’t take it. I refuse to take Prednisone, that messes moth my mind waaay too much, makes me feel abnormally agitated, angry and depressed and it distorts my reality. I hope with my vasculitis I won’t need to go on it. That’s why I gotta go back on meds I can’t cope with my reality. I hope you feel better
With me antidepressants just make every worse. I can sleep, sweat horribly, and makes my anxiety worse. I tried for about 3 years to get use to the side effects but they never got better. I've taken the lowest doses possible but still intolerant to those meds. I wish I could take them.
There are soo many different kinds I’ve been on so many. They don’t all work but I weigh the benefits against the side effects. Yes it sooo hard. Some of the side affects are so bad. My doctor tells me sometimes I create the side affects because he knows how much I don’t want to take the meds. Maybe some of it is true. Because when it gets so bad to the point of no return, he could give me anything and I would take it with no side effects because I want and believe it to work.😊 that’s not to say they don’t cause horrible side affects. With my health I have ran myself literally into a deeep depression. I’ve even quit my jobs I’ve been at for 20 years. No ide how I’m gonna live which caused more anxiety. I have IBS and sinus problems I think the vasculitis is in my throat and sinuses. They can’t tell me what kind🙄🤦🏻♀️
Welcome to the community. I'm sorry to read you are struggling. We are here to support you.
Have you tried other types of med categories? Mood stabilizers etc?
Are these episodes at the same time every year?
Psychiatric practitioners are very strict with the time clock. Most are prescribers, they don't do therapy . It has to be looked at more as a team versus separate.
How is your relationship with your therapist?