I finally quit taking Cymbalta. My vision was really starting to suffer. The uncontrollable muscle movements were keeping me up so many nights. For years I was taking it mainly due to the pain relief part. I talked to a Dr. I didn't taper off like planned. I feel so much better. I was on it for years. I've been on so many. I've been scared to take Abilify after I experienced Jason on it.
Hello everyone 2: I finally quit taking... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hello everyone 2
Cymbalta is one that I haven't tried yet. My list of meds tried is very long and scary over the past 10 years. Some with horrible side effects. One even cause a heart attack. My goal now is to be on the least amount of meds possible and try to fix the wiring in my brain so that I don't feel like crap all the time, anxious, depressed, worthless, unworthy, etc. If I didn't think wrong, I wouldn't feel bad. At least that's what I'm believing right now. It's all in my head. Yes, the chemicals are unbalanced and all that but I think most of my problem is all the traumas I've suffered and have stored up in my brain over the years. It has just mounted up, piled up, to where I'm at my limit now. No pill is going to solve this anxiety and depression. I need to unload these traumas. Somehow. I love this group because everyone has good suggestions. I'm looking forward to getting the Claire Weekes book from Amazon. It should be here in a few days. I hope you find peace today.