Hello Everyone,
I'm a 44 year old male who resides in New Jersey, U.S. and have been waging a war with severe anxiety, OCD and depression for 26 years. As I type this post, it's very difficult to accept the fact that 26 years of my life have been spent fighting these demons and the amount of pain that I endured can only be understood by those that have also fought the war against anxiety, OCD and depression.
In 2018, I was diagnosed with having OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and major depression. From 2016 up to the present, I have never experienced such consistent, severe anxiety and depression; it has completely taken over my life and it has shattered any hope of getting better. In 2020, I started to utilize alcohol for the first time as a coping mechanism against the severe anxiety and OCD which resulted in me being forced to resign from my place of employment in 2021 after 14 years of service.
I am currently living at home with my parents since I rely on them for support and I would not be able to live on my own. In addition to my anxiety disorders and major depression, I struggle with crippling self-doubt as well as a lack of confidence and assertiveness. My world has incredibly diminished in size; I am either at work or at home with my parents. I do not have any friends in my hometown so as a result, the only social interaction that I have is at work or at home with my parents. Also, my depression and anxiety forces me to withdraw from society and to live mostly in isolation. Lastly, I am afraid to go to bed every night because I am afraid of what awaits me the next day and I know how torturous morning anxiety can be for me.
I have become terrified of the future and truly do not see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope that by joining this forum, I can connect with others who can relate to me any maybe share any insight they may have.
Thank you for reading.