I've been feeling like a failure in my life recently and I don't know how to get out of this mindset. Long story short, but I own my own business (solo) and made a bad investment in a marketing opportunity that costed me a lot of money and put me into debt, both for the business and personally. Then I got sick for awhile and got behind on work. And all of that caused my depression to get pretty bad since. I had some moments before the holidays where I was more social and things personally seem to be getting better, which helped some.
But lately, I've been feeling like I'm failing at everything in life. I'm in several groups with other professionals and business owners and have been feeling like I'm so behind in life. Everyone in the business owners groups have families and successful businesses and nice houses and great support from so many others in the group. And they are the ones asked to speak at events and promoted a lot for being so amazing. I definitely support these women and am happy they are successful and have so much in life. But as a single woman in her 40s with no kids and a business that's in debt, I just don't feel like I fit in anywhere and am so behind in my life. And I feel slighted about not getting asked to speak on topics that I've been an expert at for years (and they know about). I attended an event last night for a group I usually enjoy and they all talked about their kids and husbands that they all seem to know from going to the same school or a nearby school. And they were all talking about how successful their businesses are and how they're growing or have new exciting opportunities. I just felt like I couldn't relate and had nothing to offer the conversation (and I can talk to almost anyone usually).
While I am usually ok being different than others and don't want kids or possibly even a husband, I'm just feeling like a loser and that I don't have my sh** together in life. I know people say you shouldn't compare yourself to others, but how can I not when everyone else seems to be doing so well in every aspect of their life (or at least in many) while I'm not doing well in any area of mine?