I'm having one of those days where I'm just overwhelmed with life. Trying to balance work, family and self care is crashing in on me. My 3 kids are requiring a lot of me...all with different needs. My oldest is preparing for college and needs my help (and obviously I WANT to help her plan her future), my youngest has developmental delays...no official diagnosis yet, receiving county services and I'm trying so hard to learn all I can to help him grow, and my middle child is starving for attention... and I work full time. My husband has been incredibly busy with his job and has been working 60-70 hours a week, leaving no time for himself, let alone US. I feel like I have no one to talk to about how much im struggling. I don't want to bother my husband...I don't want to dump more on his plate. I don't really have friends to open up to. And I don't like for my family to know that many details. I'm just trying so hard to keep everyone happy and healthy, and I'm dying inside.
I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown. And this is a recurring, suffocating feeling that has been rearing its ugly head quite frequently lately. I need a break so bad. We are actively trying to better our situation. We will likely sell our house and downsize, allowing us to pay off debt and live more within our means. But that's not good enough for me. I need a break NOW. I feel like if I don't get A break, I will break. 😔