With a certain reluctance i once again laid on a New Year's Eve party, my heart wasn't in it and wanting to be anywhere but in my home, will anyone turn up in the atrocious weather?. I cooked a ham, turkey and beef stroganoff, assortment of cheeses and various sweet concoctions. 30 were invited but only 13 turned up, by then my anxiety was through the roof, and i did have a few drinks to cheer myself up, but as you know alcohol is a depressive.
A late comer brought his guitar and my friend Sheila brought her ukulele so we had music a plenty, a real jam session , and i did loosen up a bit and it went well, but my resolution is to not do this again ,its stressful and never worth all the work involved and the weather was horrendous and understandable that so many stayed away. and this morning i feel shredded, and now awaiting Karen and Nicky to arrive to help clear everything up ,urghh. I need valium. 😱😂