Blood pressure through the roof. - Anxiety and Depre...

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Blood pressure through the roof.

secrets22 profile image
13 Replies

Last Friday i had an appointment with my doctor regarding my mental health and i get very anxious at seeing a GP because i rarely see a doctor, for me doctors are bad news.🥵.

However the first thing they did was take a blood sample, that was ok, then they took my blood pressure the nurse said, oh i must do this again as it doesn't seem right, she did it again and my BP was 202, then she said i must get a doctor to do a different test, he did it twice and it was still 202.

By now i was shaking in my shoes, but i now have to take a home test every day for a week and thankfully it is slowly coming down.

I am now watching what i eat and i really thought i ate healthily, but obviously not.

I suppose my biggest sin is fresh cream but apart from that i cant see what else is causing such high readings.

Looking on line for things to reduce high blood pressure i saw beetroot is good, so i bought some even though i'm not keen. I already eat loads of green vegetables and far less meat than i used to, but i realize i should walk more, even though i do lots of exercise gardening, but obviously its not enough. I do like some sweet things but now I have stopped that too. Although i must confess i have been getting giddy spells and i guess high blood pressure causes that?

What a mucking fuddle.😁

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secrets22 profile image
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13 Replies
Turnipgirl profile image

I don't like those check ups either as I am frightened in case I get told things I don't want to hear!

When I ended up in a and e my blood pressure at first was 161 and went down to 131 when I was used to being there as it had gone up because I was frightened!

How are the dogs getting on?

Poppy the beagle is well and looking forward to her 5th birthday party on Saturday!

I am feeling a lot better after all that last week and today it's a 10.30am interview in the city centre and I have come down early for job applications and will pop over when it's time!

They did ask me could I do yesterday and I said no I couldn't but I was happy to do today or tomorrow for them!

Coming down here in the rush hour this morning was a cinch compared to going to the back of beyond for last week's interviews!

Yesterday I really really enjoyed a long stamina swim!

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Turnipgirl

Yonnie and Diva are well after a flea infestation. 😱

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to secrets22

Today's interview was just a question and answer session ticking boxes so I was glad I had decided to get on with job applications early and come for swimming later on!

I had thought it was going to be one of those interviews where they ask tell us about yourself but no it wasn't!

Back in June when that company cancelled those phone interviews just before they were due to happen with a load of lies and excuses one lady on the course had cried saying she had paid out just for that and I had said word to the wise next time you have an appointment booked bring loads of things to do so if it falls through nothing is wasted as that day thankfully I had the morning doing job applications so when that performance happened I was angry but had a feeling there was going to be some kind of mess and how right I was and when I saw the unhappy faces even before I was told the interviews were cancelled I just knew there wasn't going to be an interview!

With today they said they will come back to everyone by the end of the week and if it doesn't go any further I won't be heartbroken over it!

Baby is great and still getting spoilt!

Arymretep profile image

Hi, it’s is frightening when they find something wrong, but then you can do something about it, BP is very important as it can lead to other things if it’s not right, high or low, Did they give you any medication for it. Stress is one of the things to cause high BP too.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Arymretep

Hey Arymretep........I've not been given any medication yet but i guess they will when i return the form i had to fill in, but yes i fear stress is the culprit, BP is reducing albeit slowly.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to secrets22

Stress doesn't exactly help matters does it?

My brother who is 41 got given medication both for high blood pressure and diabetes back in May!

When I was 20 and he was 13 he ate a whole box of Roses in one sitting and got told off for being greedy!

At a and e I had kittens when it said on the monitor 161 for the top figure but when I got used to them it went down to 131 which is better!

Today I have enjoyed another stamina swim after that joke of an interview this morning and back home nice and early today for some relaxation time for a change!

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Turnipgirl

Guess what, i could have eaten a box of roses back in the day , but now it would make me sick. although i did eat a box of Lindt chocolates not long ago, the boxes are not very big and half of it is wrapping paper.

i don't know how you manage all that swimming but its very good for you, and i bet you keep slim. ?

gettingsomewhere profile image

Hi secrets and sorry to read your BP is high.I dislike visiting the GP also and get the " white coat syndrome" although it was a nurse practitioner who took mine last time and he was wearing a red shirt!

Like you mine was over 200 but I did have an infection, I said it would be high and it was!

Keep on keeping on, sounds like you're doing all the right things to lower the BP. I upped my exercise and with effort lost some weight and now its normal thankfully. All the best x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to gettingsomewhere

No one likes visiting the gp do they no matter how well you know and trust them!

Today and yesterday I have enjoyed some great stamina swims where I have done 100 lengths both sessions and feel great for it!

This morning was an interview in the city centre which was just a question and answer session and I had made a real effort to go there and felt really cross!

They said they will be in touch at the end of the week about a second interview but i won't be heartbroken if it doesn't go any further as this morning was a right joke!

Thankfully I had put in for swimming later on and did that nice and early instead and home nice and early as well!

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Turnipgirl

Hey Turnipgirl........oh my, you do so well with your swimming, and guess what, i cant swim😀...after being ducked under water at school its put me off for life.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to gettingsomewhere

hey gettingsomewhere that's brilliant you've kept the BP normal and lost some weight, that's my aim to.x

gettingsomewhere profile image
gettingsomewhere in reply to secrets22

The lindt is my downfall as well!

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to gettingsomewhere

Quality street are my favourites!

I went off Roses years ago when they changed the recipe!

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