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any tips

Brycenkenz profile image
11 Replies

I have the worse anxiety/ panic disorder that has restarted up in the last two weeks and the most severe it’s ever been. Any suggestions on what to do. I was recently prescribed lexapro have read horrible reviews and I have pharmaphobia and agoraphobia. Can this eventually go away without meds

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Brycenkenz profile image
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11 Replies
davidthecoder profile image

Hi Brycenkenz!

I just wanted to say that I haven't left my apartment much in the past few years so I can understand the agoraphobia. And it is also due to anxiety.

I can't really say much about the medication. I also have not gone that route personally, I manage my anxiety just with meditation and therapy. It is certainly challenging and I just wanted to show some support here for you. I am glad that you came to the group and I also hope that others will respond to your post with something that you will find helpful.

Also I am sorry that you are going through this. The anxiety is something that is not that well understood by people that don't have it. But you will find people here that can relate with you as they are dealing with a similar situation.

Brycenkenz profile image
Brycenkenz in reply to davidthecoder

thank you so much for your reply. I am definitely looking for more people to relate with although it saddens me to see anyone suffer like this. I’m a huge empath I often wonder if that is part of my problem. I been abused so much in my life but I still remain so empathetic to everyone. I hope you heel as well. Please share more about your journey like when did your anxiety start. What are your biggest triggers?

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to Brycenkenz

I believe the anxiety started from a mixture of car accidents when I was young. Needless to say, I don't drive. It is just so much worry around driving, but it became worse during the pandemic. Thats when the staying inside alot came around, and also just being freaked out by being sick/germs.

That is because I take care of my dad and don't want to get him sick.

Also being empathetic is a good quality I think. But I also understand it can be burdensome as well.

Also about anxiety, as you probably know, there are uncomfortable physical symptoms like a racing heart beat that are annoying and come along with the worrying. They are connected (atleast for me).

Brycenkenz profile image
Brycenkenz in reply to davidthecoder

So strange I never really been in a car accident just drove with some idiots and had a lot of close calls, yet I have a driving phobia which is one of my worse phobias: I refuse to travel the highway and I cringe everytime a semi gets near. I can’t do anything over 40 mph or I freak out. It’s so debilitating being this way and always living in fear. Definitely remember the days I was fearless. I also am married to a narcissist who has bad anger, yells and stresses me out a lot because ultimately he scares me, which I know does not help my anxiety and panic disorder at all. My second biggest phobia is pharmaphobia so I fear all medication and their side effects. Making treatment very hard. I was just prescribed lexapro and it still sits here untouched. I read a lot of good things about it but also a lot of scary things.

Sounds like you have a lot of good reason to worry. I can’t imagine how scary it is to be in a car accident. Covid was also very scary specially before we knew much about it. This world is a very scary place and it’s not making it any easier on my panic disorder. Sorry for rambling on I am happy I found this forum because I felt so alone for so long. Nice to find people you relate to.

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to Brycenkenz

It is great to find someone as open as you are on here. When I first came here, it was a relief to know that I wasn't the only one going through the anxiety.

From what I have read, it is rising quite rapidly in the United States. So I think there are probably tens of millions with it here. And many do not even join a group. It took me a long time to do that really, but it has been good so far.

It can feel refreshing to express our struggles in writing as a way to release them momentarily. Like journaling I suppose.

Maybe the Lexapro works great. My therapist had mentioned SSRI's, but like you, I wanted to see if there were other approaches that might work for me first.

There is hope that I will be able to get through this challenge but I know it is going to take work to address it. And some courage.

SayNOtoPanic profile image

Hi Bry. So sorry you’re dealing with a setback. You can totally try without meds. But you def have to build your tool arsenal of things to combat the anxiety and the anxiety monster. Things like deep breathing exercises proactively during the day so that when you get an attack you know how to immediately deep breathe and calm. Meditation even for five min a day to get you to be able to sit in your thoughts and let them just pass. Guided ones are on youtube they’re pretty good. Also there’s books like Dr Claire Weekes hope and help for your nerves. Try mindfulness as well, where you just notice and identify things around you as soon as you feel the anxiety linger or brew. Hang in there. I respect the pharmaphobia and can appreciate anyone having a fear in that dept. but try everything and find what helps you best. Def try to not google or read reviews on meds and anything else you do have fear from just to not excite the anxiety right now. Prayers up.

Brycenkenz profile image
Brycenkenz in reply to SayNOtoPanic

Thank you I will definitely look into the mediation and book. This severe panic came out of nowhere to the point I was passing out/fainting it anytime I stood up or had to be in public. I was so close to checking myself into the mental hospital. One day it just started to get a little better. I’m stable but still stuck in bed everyday just waiting for the next episode. I wonder if it is hormonal. I started some progesterone had a massive panic attack and horrible symptoms already after one try so I’m done with that. I know it’s kind over matter but there panic attacks I was experiencing was like out of body, I couldn’t get a grip on them it was back to back to back. When I calmed down a week later it had felt like I was in a coma for six months and everything was off. I’m so afraid of it happening again. I can handle anxiety but whatever the hell that was it was like a demon entered my body. On a good note it forced me to quit smoking after 32 years cold turkey and I don’t miss it a bit. My mom just died of lung cancer at 59 so it was def a good thing.

SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to Brycenkenz

OMG you went through the hell of it. Ughhh wrapping you in the biggest hug you’re so not alone and you are not losing it either. It’s absolutely horrible when it manifests physically. Literally I call panic and anxiety demons. So sorry about your mama. 😩she is young. Glad you quit smoking. Something to be proud of. You know that could have also mixed between the hormones and the change without smoking and the fear of the hormone med could have all sent you into the massive panic attack. Get the late Dr Weekes book as soon as you can. Listen on YouTube for free also. The fear has to be accepted as crazy as it sounds in order to start coming out of it. Say I accept it bring it on I don’t care. Then take a step like go outside and take a two minute walk. Even if you feel stuff. It’s so scary and horrible but you start changing how you react to it and that starts to reduce it. 🙏🏻👍🏻

LTaloha profile image

check out these podcasts I found by David Burns. They really make sense to me. I’ve only listened to a few but found them really interesting and hopeful!

TheSleepyOne profile image

Hi Brycenkez

I’ve recently joined and saw your post and felt a need to reach out. Just like you I suffer from Panic Disorder and Pharmapohobia. Panic hit me full force last night and it seemed never ending. I tried everything I’ve learned over the years to stop the cycle to no avail. Then I remembered one huge part of this is that the more you fight it the longer it will last and the harder it will be. I know it sounds so counterproductive but you have to accept that it’s happening and face it straight on. The minute I started saying okay, just get it over with already it hit me. I felt the full effects and then within a minute it was gone. Prior to that it was back to back to back anxiety attacks that seemingly lasted 2 hours which I have never really experienced before. I find myself suffering from what I know as the Panic hangover this morning.

As for the medication, I’ve never been able to get myself to take it. I was prescribed Lexapro to help with my OCD and Panic Disorder. I kept telling the doctor that I’m convinced I will have every worst outcome side effect and she tries her best to assure me that just because they are listed doesn’t mean I will experience them but good luck getting that through these obsessive thoughts lol. In the interim, while I have the prescription but can’t manage to take it, I find that exercise and meditation have helped the most for smaller episodes of anxiety. In fact, I found it actually decreased the episodes I was having in general.

Take it one day at a time and remember that it will pass and you are not alone. I wish you lots of calm days ahead.

SayNOtoPanic profile image

Thank you. Just sharing the stuff I use and that others have recommended too that have helped for sure. Appreciate your comment. 🙏🏻

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