This is my first post in any type of support group. My therapist recommended I seek support from others for my anxiety. It has recently spiked and most days I can’t focus on work. I’m not anxious about anything specific but struggle with an overwhelming feeling of fear and worry. I have a couple close friends and my girlfriend for support but I’m afraid of becoming a burden. I don’t know why I feel this way or what to do.
Anxiety & Loneliness: This is my first... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety & Loneliness

Welcome. You are in the right place to get support from others who understand. You don't have to worry about being a burden on us. We are hear to listen and support. There are people here who have recovered from anxiety and it is inspiring to hear their success stories. I hope one of them will respond to your post.
I'm so sorry you are struggling with your anxiety. Did your therapist recommend this site?
It's very hard to focus on things when your are having anxiety. I understand how this feels.
You will find a lot of support here. We all know what you are going through
Does your therapy help? What else are you doing to help you get through this?
Thank you. I'm on Zoloft and talk to a therapist regularly. They didn't recommend this site specifically but suggested I find an online community so I can reach out when the people in my life are unavailable or I'm feeling like I've bothered them too much. I went off Zoloft for a bit which really skyrocketed my anxiety and depression. I've been back on for 3.5 weeks now but still waiting for things to get back to "normal".
I was just curious because some therapists are recommending it. I found the site after a recommendation on my meditation app.
This will be good for you. Having people that understand first hand what you are going through will make a big difference.
Give the med some time and hopefully that will help you find more balance
Wishing you the best
Welcome home! We are all here to support each other. I found this site by accident and I'm so thankful I did. No one judges. My anxiety is usually a mystery. I try to focus on my animals or my miniatures. Or in the middle of the night I play hidden objects games on my computer. Im here most nights in the wee hours.
Hi HipHopHead, I've felt the same before. I think loneliness can cause anxiety. Mine was definitely triggered after a period of isolation, working from home all the time for ages.
You're not alone x
Welcome and this is a great step that you reached out to the group. It's a supportive bunch. I'm glad you have a therapist. Things that help me are tapping meditations, getting outside, reading fiction, and playing with my pets. If you love animals, volunteering at a shelter can be great to get you out of your head. I totally get what you're going through, have definitely been there.
Hey this is my 1st time in anything like this too. When that anxiety demon decides to show his face its hard to focus on anything. I have the same exact issue. Anxiety never has to be abt something specific, for me its a bunch of lil things that hit me all at once. Yeah some times it major stuff but most of the time it's a gang of lil stuff that races thru my head. I'm struggling with a lot of stuff myself, n have that same overwhelming feeling. I told my therapist the same thing that I feel like a burden to people. But if you have your support group by your side you can never be a burden. Yeah there are some fake friends or associates that if you try to confide in them n tell em the bad stuff, they don't know how to handle it n tend to disappear. But sounds like you have a close support group, those are the people that can help with anything the best way they know how, n thats something to be very grateful for. Not everything is bad once you step back n look at what you have in your corner. Plus now you have this group as well. We may not know what to do exactly, but it seems like nobody is giving up.
I'm happy to Welcome you to a safe, caring community. One day many years ago, Anxiety
hit me hard. Didn't have any idea what these profound feelings were that I was
experiencing. I just knew I felt afraid. I woke up scared to death and felt unsettled all
day. When asked what I was afraid of, I didn't know.
In time and with intense therapy as well as medication, I began to realize that my life
was out of my control. No one around me understood which made the fear worse
by making me feel all alone.
There isn't one of us here who hasn't experienced this intense feeling. We are here
to support and help you through this. Know that you have taken the first step
forward in healing. You are going to be okay. xx
I hate to repeat what everyone else has said but they are so correct, we have all been where you are and we are here for you. I felt the same way today, anxiety came out of nowhere. I hate it. Everyone has good suggestions, and Zoloft will be a big help too. We are all here for you❤️